• 『Future』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161231-00447
    LIN (full) : 「598 498 248」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161231-000563
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 12/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    These unforgettable moments passed together in the happiness
    Despite the hopeless instants, we are still standing up
    Hope is never lost and a future can be built from everyone's hands
    Nothing can destroy these new fates which became stronger than ever

    Slowly the fragments of the past and of the present reassemble themselves
    Standing towards a bright and shining sky, the light of the hope guiding us
    By taking the hands of each other, everyone will reach their deserved fate
    The happiness of this world will be assured by fighting against the despair

    These unforgettable moments passed together in the happiness
    Despite the hopeless instants, we are still standing up
    Hope is never lost and a future can be built from everyone's hands
    Nothing can destroy these new fates which became stronger than ever

    I still believe in each person surrounding me with their feelings
    Bringing a piece of memories to assure the life of this world
    These souls resonating in the darkness illuminate this place again
    I'll never give up face to despair, I'll fight against the fears

    I never forgot anything even if I kept going forward
    I still have this hope to reconstruct again the future of this world
    The fears won't refrain us anymore, as long we will be standing together
    "Goodbye to an awful past and hello a new fate..."

    And French adaptation!

    Ces moments inoubliables que dans le bonheur ensemble nous avons passé
    Malgré les instants de désespoir, nous nous tenons droit sur le même chemin
    L'espoir n'est jamais perdu et un futur peut être construit avec nos mains
    Rien ne peut détruire ces nouveaux destins devenus plus forts sans arrêt

    Doucement les fragments du passé et du présent se sont réassemblés
    Se tenant vers un ciel brillant et clair, la lumière de l'espoir nous guidant
    En se prenant chacun les mains, tout le monde doit atteindre son destin maintenant
    En combattant le désespoir, le bonheur de ce monde sera assuré

    Ces moments inoubliables que dans le bonheur ensemble nous avons passé
    Malgré les instants de désespoir, nous nous tenons droit sur le même chemin
    L'espoir n'est jamais perdu et un futur peut être construit avec nos mains
    Rien ne peut détruire ces nouveaux destins devenus plus forts sans arrêt

    Je crois encore à chaque personne m'entourant avec leurs sentiments
    Ramenant un morceau de mémoires pour que le monde puisse être assuré
    Ces âmes résonnant dans les ténèbres illuminent cette pièce maintenant
    Face au désespoir et aux peurs que je combats, je n'abandonnerai jamais

    Je n'ai jamais oublié quoi que ce soit même si j'ai continué d'avancer
    J'ai encore cet espoir de reconstruire ce monde et son avenir
    Les peurs ne nous effraieront plus, tant que l'on peut se soutenir
    "Bienvenue à ce nouveau destin et adieu à cet horrible passé..."


    Last song of 2016... Which has been an awful year, let's be honest...
    Let's hope 2017 will be way better, even if I doubt it sadly...
    Music : sequence pads by Toxic Biohazard and lead by Sawer. This is very simple, but it does a cool pop music!
    [All the material of this song is also available on my piapro!]

  • 『Virginia』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161230-00446
    LIN (full) : 「598 497 410」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161230-000562
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 2/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    All the hopes that fell down and shattered with the fragments of a broken future
    I looked through you only to see the intense sadness and despair you felt
    I still didn't understand why these tears on your beautiful face
    From these empty eyes where the life seems to have vanished...

    He has already broke down our lifes without making any effort
    While still feeling the suffering in the depths of the heart, the torture continued
    I was looking at you, was enduring this similar pain, happiness disappeared
    Then I made the promise to let us free from this endless nightmare

    All the hopes that fell down and shattered with the fragments of a broken future
    I looked through you only to see the intense sadness and despair you felt
    I still didn't understand why these tears on your beautiful face
    From these empty eyes where the life seems to have vanished...

    I didn't have many time left to save this compromised future
    The wounds that kept worsening, I still didn't know what to do
    When I woke up, the nightmare would be over, reality would come back
    I never saw the happiness being brought back, not even a smile

    A crimson universe surrounding us and these fragments still scattered everywhere
    I haven't found any other hope, even bringing you back to me
    Why don't you still understand my honest feelings?
    We could be together, but instead you fatally wounded what was remaining...

    And French adaptation!

    Tous les espoirs qui se sont effondrés avec les morceaux d'un futur cassé
    J'ai vu le désespoir et la tristesse intense que tu ressentais à travers toi
    Pourquoi ces larmes sur ton visage magnifique, je ne comprends toujours pas
    De ces yeux vides où la vie semble s'être évaporée...

    Il avait déjà cassé sans faire le moindre effort nos vies
    Alors qu'au fond de moi je ressentais encore la douleur, la torture a continué
    Je te regardais, endurais cette douleur encore, le bonheur s'était évaporé
    Puis j'ai promis que de ce cauchemar sans fin, nous serions libérées

    Tous les espoirs qui se sont effondrés avec les morceaux d'un futur cassé
    J'ai vu le désespoir et la tristesse intense que tu ressentais à travers toi
    Pourquoi ces larmes sur ton visage magnifique, je ne comprends toujours pas
    De ces yeux vides où la vie semble s'être évaporée...

    Je n'avais plus beaucoup de temps pour sauver ce futur compromis
    Les blessures n'ont cessé d'empirer, je ne savais plus quoi faire réellement
    Quand je me suis réveillée, le cauchemar serait fini, la réalité reviendrait à la vie
    Je n'ai jamais vu le bonheur revenir, ni un sourire pourtant

    Un univers pourpre qui nous entourait et ces fragments en toutes parts éparpillés
    Je n'ai trouvé aucun autre espoir, ni même celui de te ramener
    Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne comprends toujours pas mes sincères sentiments ?
    Nous pourrions être ensemble, mais à la place tu as blessé ce qu'il restait fatalement...


    Music : pluck by Xpand!2, all the other synths (pad, arp...) with Harmor. Long time I haven't used it as main synth.
    I hesitated between "light" and "normal" yandere, but in the doubt...

  • 『Think About Midnight』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161229-00445
    LIN (full) : 「598 496 218」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161229-000561
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 8/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    I will never forget this night under the starry sky with you
    Gently smiling each other and the eyes full of beautiful dreams
    Holding the hands towards the vast universe surrounding us
    Looking at a future filled with hope, this happiness will continue...

    I was waiting in the darkness until the day you finally came
    A bright face and a nice smile giving me some happiness again
    The journey will never end as long we believe each other
    These memories will still remain and nothing will hurt them

    I will never forget this night under the starry sky with you
    Gently smiling each other and the eyes full of beautiful dreams
    Holding the hands towards the vast universe surrounding us
    Looking at a future filled with hope, this happiness will continue...

    Lying on the ground under the leaves falling from the tree
    Quietly looking at the clouds until the nightfall, then making a wish to see ourselves again
    Another night came and our eyes could meet this known light
    A strong and burning feeling that we felt together and we would reveal someday

    I will never forget this night under the starry sky with you
    Gently smiling each other and the eyes full of beautiful dreams
    Holding the hands towards the vast universe surrounding us
    Looking at a future filled with hope, this happiness will continue...

    And French adaptation!

    Je n'oublierai jamais cette nuit avec toi sous le ciel étoilé
    Les yeux remplis de rêves, se souriant l'une l'autre gentiment
    Tendant les mains vers le vaste univers qui nous entourait
    Regardant un futur plein d'espoir, ce bonheur continuera éternellement...

    J'attendais dans les ténèbres jusqu'au jour où tu es arrivée
    Un visage brillant et un gentil sourire me redonnant mon bonheur
    Le voyage ne se finira pas tant que l'on croira en nos cœurs
    Ces souvenirs resteront et rien ne pourra les blesser

    Je n'oublierai jamais cette nuit avec toi sous le ciel étoilé
    Les yeux remplis de rêves, se souriant l'une l'autre gentiment
    Tendant les mains vers le vaste univers qui nous entourait
    Regardant un futur plein d'espoir, ce bonheur continuera éternellement...

    Allongées sur le sol sous les feuilles d'un arbre tombant
    Regardant les nuages jusqu'au coucher de soleil, faisant un vœu pour se revoir
    Une autre nuit est arrivée et la lumière que nos yeux ont pu voir
    Un sentiment fort et brûlant que nous ressentions ensemble et que nous révélerions probablement

    Je n'oublierai jamais cette nuit avec toi sous le ciel étoilé
    Les yeux remplis de rêves, se souriant l'une l'autre gentiment
    Tendant les mains vers le vaste univers qui nous entourait
    Regardant un futur plein d'espoir, ce bonheur continuera éternellement...


    I was thinking, after the violent lyrics of yesterday, coming back to some happiness and softness. At lyrics level of course.
    Music : sequence and rythm pad by Toxic Biohazard, other lead and arp pad by Sawer.

  • 『Tears of the Rose』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161228-00444
    LIN (full) : 「598 495 043」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161228-000560
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 13/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics








    Original English text

    The wounds repeating again and again while the blood is flowing
    Rejected and neglected, I'm falling in the deepest darkness
    Words don't seem to be enough to explain this burning feeling
    And I still feel abandoned without your warmth

    A first gaze between each other and this feeling began to torture me
    Since then I never abandoned you, always kept an eye on you
    I knew about the threat since the beginning at his first smile
    The intense pain suddenly returned, tearing me into little fragments

    The wounds repeating again and again while the blood is flowing
    Rejected and neglected, I'm falling in the deepest darkness
    Words don't seem to be enough to explain this burning feeling
    And I still feel abandoned without your warmth

    I said the same words thousands of times without being happy in the end
    As these sounds and complaints were choked in the silence
    Each time you denied this feeling, the wounds were worsening more and more
    Until the moment where everything was finally distorted and blurry

    The burning sensation was too intense to be bearable anymore
    I would feel this sadness as long this man is still alive
    These memories have to finally disappear to assure my happiness
    I'll destroy this lie to retablish the truth about these feelings

    I looked at his flowing fresh blood coloring the ground with a beautiful red
    You still weren't listening to my words and kept ignoring me
    The sensation of relief disappeared again and I was still suffering
    I had no other choice to keep you by my side forever

    I could still feel the flowing blood staining the white fingers
    You won't run away anymore nor ignore this love
    Together happy forever when this warmth slowly began to vanish
    Then this pain will also disappear when I'll reach another world

    And French adaptation!

    Les blessures se répètent encore et encore alors que le sang coulait
    Rejetée et négligée, je tombe dans la plus profonde obscurité
    Les mots ne semblent pas assez pour expliquer ce sentiment brûlant
    Et sans ta chaleur je me sens abandonnée

    Un premier regard l'une l'autre et ce sentiment a commencé à me torturer
    Depuis je ne t'ai plus jamais abandonnée, je t'ai toujours surveillée
    À son premier sourire, cette menace que je connaissais depuis longtemps
    La douleur intense est revenue, me brisant en petits fragments

    Les blessures se répètent encore et encore alors que le sang coulait
    Rejetée et négligée, je tombe dans la plus profonde obscurité
    Les mots ne semblent pas assez pour expliquer ce sentiment brûlant
    Et sans ta chaleur je me sens abandonnée

    J'ai dit les mêmes mots des milliers de fois sans être pour autant soulagée
    Comme si ces sons et complaintes par le silence étaient étouffées
    Chaque fois que tu refusais ce sentiment, les blessures ne cessaient d'empirer
    Jusqu'au moment où tout a commencé à se flouter et à se déformer

    La sensation brûlante était trop intense pour que je puisse encore la supporter
    Je ressentirais cette tristesse tant que cet homme sera toujours en vie
    Ces mémoires devront disparaître pour que mon bonheur soit assuré
    Je détruirai ce mensonge pour que la vérité sur ces sentiments soit rétablie

    J'ai regardé son sang frais couler et le sol d'un magnifique rouge se colorer
    Tu ne m'écoutais toujours pas et tu as continué à m'ignorer
    La sensation de soulagement s'en est à nouveau allée et je me suis remise à souffrir
    Je n'ai pas vraiment eu d'autre choix pour que tu ne puisses plus repartir

    Je pouvais encore sentir le sang couler et teindre mes doigts blancs
    Tu ne t’enfuiras plus jamais et tu cesseras de m'ignorer
    Ensemble heureuses pour toujours alors que cette chaleur a commencé à s'évanouir lentement
    Alors cette douleur disparaîtra aussi quand l'autre monde sera traversé


    The lyrics talk by themselves I guess...
    Music : sequence pad and one gated pad by Toxic Biohazard, pluck by Xpand!2, long gated pad by VACS2 (long time I didn't use this one) and the Slayer.
    Hope you enjoy this one!

  • 『Worst Foes』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161227-00443
    LIN (full) : 「598 494 593」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161227-000559
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 4/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics









    Original English text

    Hatred in the eyes even the thoughts are full of this painful feeling
    This is not a simple rivalry anymore, worse than just a battle
    This world is condemned to be ended someday anyway
    When a life will be erased, others can still replace it

    Before the hatred...

    Wounds and damages to avoid, without losing any hope
    The peace of the world is still threatened at any time by the same things
    We could fight against the danger together but the feeling is absent
    Both missing the targets, even with a precise bullet against the enemy

    Hatred in the eyes even the thoughts are full of this painful feeling
    This is not a simple rivalry anymore, worse than just a battle
    This world is condemned to be ended someday anyway
    When a life will be erased, others can still replace it

    Before the hatred...

    The same conflict repeats again and again without ending
    For always the same reasons bringing the same consequences
    An alliance seems impossible to create, even weak bonds
    We will stay forever perfect and worst foes

    Hatred in the eyes even the thoughts are full of this painful feeling
    This is not a simple rivalry anymore, worse than just a battle
    This world is condemned to be ended someday anyway
    When a life will be erased, others can still replace it

    Before the hatred...

    And French adaptation!

    La haine dans les yeux, même les pensées pleines de ce pénible sentiment
    C'est pire qu'une bataille, bien plus qu'une simple rivalité
    Un jour ou un autre, ce monde sera condamné sûrement
    Quand une vie sera effacée, d'autres viendront la remplacer

    Avant que la haine...

    Sans perdre espoir, blessures et dommages à éviter
    La paix de ce monde est encore à chaque fois par les mêmes choses menacée
    On pourrait combattre le danger mais ce sentiment n'est pas ici
    Manquant tous les cibles, même avec une balle précise contre l'ennemi

    La haine dans les yeux, même les pensées pleines de ce pénible sentiment
    C'est pire qu'une bataille, bien plus qu'une simple rivalité
    Un jour ou un autre, ce monde sera condamné sûrement
    Quand une vie sera effacée, d'autres viendront la remplacer

    Avant que la haine...

    Le même conflit encore et toujours se répète incessamment
    Pour toujours la même raison amenant les mêmes conséquences
    Impossible de créer le moindre lien pour une alliance
    Nous resterons de parfaites et pires ennemies éternellement

    La haine dans les yeux, même les pensées pleines de ce pénible sentiment
    C'est pire qu'une bataille, bien plus qu'une simple rivalité
    Un jour ou un autre, ce monde sera condamné sûrement
    Quand une vie sera effacée, d'autres viendront la remplacer

    Avant que la haine...


    I rated for "all audiences" because I haven't found anything too much violent, but know it, I have still doubts.
    Story : A few about common interest between enemies, even if the hatred between them is very strong. However, alliances can be hard to make because of this. But maybe someday... If there is a common enemy, can we trust each other, even if we are enemies?
    Music : two sequence pads by Toxic Biohazard, pluck by Harmless. I enjoyed playing with the step sequencer of TBio. This is the easiest one to manipulate between this one and the settings of Sytrus, which are both substractive/FM multisynths.

  • 『Asymptomatic』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161225-00442
    LIN (full) : 「598 493 688」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161226-000558
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 10/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics








    Original English text

    No more feelings no more compassion, the smiles suddenly disappeared
    My heart seems empty even if the truth is actually different
    Lost between many words and sentences, just coming out of the mouth
    The world doesn't tell anything and keeps its darkest secrets for itself

    I was afraid for a long moment while nothing else visibly happened
    Without indications or anything to rely on, not even a little help
    I know there is something somehow which is wounding my thoughts
    Nothing can heal this ghost pain invading me at any time

    Any medicine is useless as long the ignorance dominates
    If I don't know myself, then nobody will know instead
    It seems to be just an illusion or even an imaginary fright
    The eyes are still closed and the world around me is in the complete darkness

    No more feelings no more compassion, the smiles suddenly disappeared
    My heart seems empty even if the truth is actually different
    Lost between many words and sentences, just coming out of the mouth
    The world doesn't tell anything and keeps its darkest secrets for itself

    And when someone tells that there is something inside me
    Without any further details, I have the same doubts again
    The same questions without answers going through my head
    It hurts and this frightening feeling intensifies once more

    An obsessing and painful thought that nobody knows how to heal
    No word to be selected to get rid of the ghost inside
    Everyone keeps saying there is nothing to be afraid of
    But I know this thing is still here without being seen

    Even my thoughts don't mean anything anymore to be understood
    Nobody believes in nothing, not even what I'm saying
    Maybe this world is already surrounded by another invisible universe
    Because we are more afraid of the things that nobody can see...

    And French adaptation!

    Plus de sentiments ni compassion, les sourires se sont effacés soudainement
    Mon cœur semble vide même si la vérité reflète quelque chose de différent
    Entre mots et phrases sortant de ma bouche je me suis égarée
    Le monde ne nous dit rien et garde pour lui ses secrets

    J'avais peur pour un long moment alors que rien d'autre visiblement ne se produisait
    Sans indications ni sur quoi se fier, même pas l'aide de quelqu'un
    Je sais qu'il y a toutefois quelque chose qui blesse mes pensées
    Personne ne peut guérir cette douleur fantôme qui m'envahit enfin

    Toute médecine est inutile tant que l'ignorance reste à dominer
    Si moi-même je l'ignore, alors personne ne saura à ma place
    Cela ne semble qu'être illusoire ou même une peur inventée
    Les yeux toujours fermés et les ténèbres entourent cette place

    Plus de sentiments ni compassion, les sourires se sont effacés soudainement
    Mon cœur semble vide même si la vérité reflète quelque chose de différent
    Entre mots et phrases sortant de ma bouche je me suis égarée
    Le monde ne nous dit rien et garde pour lui ses secrets

    Et quand quelqu'un dit qu'il y a quelque chose à l'intérieur de moi
    Sans plus de détails, je me remets à douter
    Les mêmes questions me traversant la tête, aucune réponse ne leur est trouvée
    Elles blessent et ce sentiment intense s'intensifie encore une fois

    Une pensée lancinante et pénible que personne ne sait soigner
    Pas de mot à prendre pour se débarrasser du fantôme en moi
    Tout le monde continue de dire qu'il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter
    Mais je sais que cette chose est là sans que le monde ne s'en aperçoit

    Même mes pensées ne veulent plus rien dire, on n'y comprend plus rien
    Même ce que je dis, plus personne ne croit en rien
    Peut-être que ce monde est déjà entouré par un autre univers que l'on ne peut voir
    Parce que nous avons le plus peur des choses que l'on ne peut percevoir...


    This is the first test with GUMI Native! This finally became a psychological song. Still for all audiences, I begin with soft topics. Well, "soft"...
    Story : there are some diseases which have an asymptomatic state, that means we have them but we don't know they are there, and that's one of the things that could scare us, at a point of even becoming paranoiac in the worst of cases. Unlike the times I was doing as usual, using the extremes, I chose a... Softer situation. Indeed, maybe the invisible is the thing scaring us the most...
    Music : the first arp pad is by Toxic Biohazard, the second one by PoiZone, pluck by Xpand!2, and the Slayer... There is also a gated pad with GMS during the "bridge chorus" part.

  • 『End of Suffering』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161225-00441
    LIN (full) : 「598 492 556」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161225-000557
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 6/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : suicide references
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The continuous sound of the sadness with the tears falling from the face
    I suffered too much the same unbearable pain before disappearing
    Then I'll just turn into memories and into heartbroken thoughts
    Maybe you'll finally forgive this corrupted existence for having existed

    I was still loving you while feeling this intense pain
    I waited for a long time before saying anything but it stayed silent
    In a dying world where everything is slowly evaporating in the winds
    Even my consciousness was being erased without any word

    The continuous sound of the sadness with the tears falling from the face
    I suffered too much the same unbearable pain before disappearing
    Then I'll just turn into memories and into heartbroken thoughts
    Maybe you'll finally forgive this corrupted existence for having existed

    You never dared looking at my eyes filled with worry
    I was so afraid of these hopes suddenly collapsing with the future
    But the world was always cruel and always denied my thoughts
    Everything was being lost while only the regrets remain...

    The continuous sound of the sadness with the tears falling from the face
    I suffered too much the same unbearable pain before disappearing
    Then I'll just turn into memories and into heartbroken thoughts
    Maybe you'll finally forgive this corrupted existence for having existed

    And French adaptation!

    Le son continu de la tristesse et les larmes de mon visage tombant
    J'ai trop souffert la même douleur insupportable avant de s'évaporer
    Alors je ne serai plus que souvenirs et pensées brisées
    Peut-être pardonneras-tu cette existence corrompue pour avoir existé

    Alors que je ressentais encore cette douleur intense en moi, je continuais de t'aimer
    J'ai attendu longtemps avant de dire quoi que ce soit mais le silence est demeuré
    Dans un monde mourant où dans les vents tout s'est évaporé
    Même ma conscience sans aucun mot était en train de s'effacer

    Le son continu de la tristesse et les larmes de mon visage tombant
    J'ai trop souffert la même douleur insupportable avant de s'évaporer
    Alors je ne serai plus que souvenirs et pensées brisées
    Peut-être pardonneras-tu cette existence corrumpue pour avoir existé

    Même si je semblais inquiète, tu n'as jamais osé me regarder
    J'avais peur que ces espoirs ne s'effondrent avec notre futur soudainement
    Mais le monde a toujours été cruel et a toujours refusé mes pensées
    Tout était perdu alors que seuls les regrets restaient cependant...

    Le son continu de la tristesse et les larmes de mon visage tombant
    J'ai trop souffert la même douleur insupportable avant de s'évaporer
    Alors je ne serai plus que souvenirs et pensées brisées
    Peut-être pardonneras-tu cette existence corrompue pour avoir existé


    Merry Christmas and happy birthday to Oniko!
    Music : For once, I haven't used Xpand!2. For once. I tested something else. Gated pad by Toxic Biohazard, shakuhachi by Kontakt and ban di by DSK plugins, gated pluck by Sakura.

  • Hello, Nynthixia there! Merry Chirstmas everyone!

    And guess what came for Christmas! (OK you surely know it...)

    Double unlock with update (unlock)

    GUMI! (And with the correct motor, because I was still on V3 until now)

    Now GUMI is unlocked and I'll work with her on tomorrow for a new song (as I said in the schedule for next week).

    Also, in the same post, I promised to tell the tracklist for the February album. Now it is ready, get your notepads!

    CD12 - Tears of the Rose | Air date : February 18th 2017

    01. Enora (feat. Namine Ritsu)
    02. Virginia (feat. Namine Ritsu)
    03. Remains (feat. Namine Ritsu)
    04. Worst Foes (feat. Momone Momo)
    05. Antigone (feat. Momone Momo)
    06. Last Hope (feat. Momone Momo)
    07. CELOSINA (feat. Yuzuki Yukari)
    08. Think About Midnight (feat. Yuzuki Yukari)
    09. Megan (feat. Yuzuki Yukari)
    10. Asymptomatic (feat. GUMI)
    11. Olivia (feat. GUMI)
    12. Future (feat. GUMI)
    13. Tears of the Rose (feat. Lily)
    14. Alexandra (feat. Lily)
    15. Cyanide Lilies (feat. Lily)

    So, yeah, you didn't have the track names for "Olivia" and "Cyanide Lilies", now it's done, and you know the track numbers for all the other works.

    Well, enjoy your presents, enjoy this day, until the end of 2016!


  • 『Enora』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161223-00440
    LIN (full) : 「598 491 472」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161224-000556
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 1/15

    Rating : Mature (first class) - M12
    Not recommended for people under... : 12
    Reason : confusing content
    Restricted on : piapro (not recommended)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Feathers of light falling on the ground from the white wings of the liberty
    Going through the winds and the tears beyond the sadness and the pain
    These dreams were flying away, evaporating into the darkness
    Nothing was remaining, not even a little fragment of hope

    Refrained by something keeping me chained in the torture
    A painful and unbearable feeling hidden in the depths of my thoughts
    Prisoner of an impossible love from which I can't really escape
    I still endured the pain but this situation had to be ended

    Feathers of light falling on the ground from the white wings of the liberty
    Going through the winds and the tears beyond the sadness and the pain
    These dreams were flying away, evaporating into the darkness
    Nothing was remaining, not even a little fragment of hope

    But much deeper than the love that kept torturing me since a while ago
    This feeling burning and hurting as a boiling rage inside
    While I just wanted to take you in my arms and being happy together
    Looking at the same gaze again and again still seemed to hurt

    When everything suddenly collapsed into fragments of broken dreams
    Even the blue and red droplets were falling with these corrupted feelings
    I was holding the hand to a future that actually couldn't be assured
    However I still remember the last words that you could hear...

    And French adaptation!

    Des plumes de lumière tombant sur le sol depuis les ailes blanches de la liberté
    À travers vents et larmes au-delà de la tristesse et de la douleur
    Ces rêves s'évaporant dans les ténèbres qui s'envolaient loin de mon cœur
    Même le moindre fragment d'espoir n'était resté

    Retenue par quelque chose me gardant dans la torture enchaînée
    Un insupportable et douloureux sentiment cachés dans mes plus profondes pensées
    Prisonnière d'un amour impossible duquel je ne peux vraiment m'échapper
    J'ai encore enduré la douleur mais cette situation devait se terminer

    Des plumes de lumière tombant sur le sol depuis les ailes blanches de la liberté
    À travers vents et larmes au-delà de la tristesse et de la douleur
    Ces rêves s'évaporant dans les ténèbres qui s'envolaient loin de mon cœur
    Même le moindre fragment d'espoir n'était resté

    Mais plus profondément que l'amour qui a depuis longtemps continué de me torturer
    Ce sentiment brûlant et blessant telle une rage bouillante cachée
    Alors que je voulais juste te prendre dans mes bras et être heureuses à jamais
    Regarder le même regard encore et encore continuait de me blesser

    Quand tout s'est soudainement effondré en fragments de rêves brisés
    Même les larmes bleues et rouges tombaient avec ces sentiments corrompus
    Je tenais la main à un avenir qui ne pouvait être assuré
    Toutefois je me souviens encore des derniers mots que tu as entendus...


    This isn't really yandere, that's why no special warning, but still quite confusing about the story, I agree.
    Music : chord pad with Toxic Biohazard (yes, apparently, it does good ones as well), gated pad by Sytrus, Xpand!2 for the chord plucks (you know how much I love this synth!). I was afraid with the actual pitch (it can be until A5!) that some parts could be difficult to understand at the ear, but it's still OK. Well, enjoy this new track with Ritsu!

  • Hello, Nynthixia there!
    (Still awake, yeah...)

    Don't worry, the song with Ritsu ("Enora") will be out probably in the end of the morning or in the beginning of the afternoon (GMT+1). Lyrics and instru are ready.

    Here is the schedule for next week.


    Asymptomatic (feat. GUMI)

    Yeah, I directly attack the songs for GUMI! Probably a misc song, but since a while (actually since the summer) I wanted to try a lyrics type more "mature", more "adult". Plus, it will be the first test with GUMI... So with V4.


    Worst Foes (feat. Momone Momo)

    Clearly, a foe is a enemy. It's just a litteral word. I thought to a sort of rivalry, between two girls, not for love though (not going to do yandere with Momo, at least not normal yandere, and even less severe one).
    [Misc (???)]


    Tears of the Rose (feat. Lily)

    This one will be a yandere again. Wait and see?
    [Normal or severe yandere]


    Think About Midnight (feat. Yuzuki Yukari)

    Haven't decided for this one yet, but I have all my time, I guess?


    Virginia (feat. Namine Ritsu)

    Haven't decided either...


    Future (feat. GUMI)

    Or morale or misc song with GUMI.
    [Morale / Misc]


    Last Hope (feat. Momone Momo)

    Haven't decided for this one either.

    You have now an idea of what could be in February album, but you don't have the track numbers yet, and even with that, one track with Lily and one track with GUMI would still be unknown for you after knowing these names.
    But don't worry. On Sunday, I'll tell you the full tracklist that is now decided and that will feature Yukari, Lily, Momo, Ritsu and GUMI. Yes, the five of them!

    I'll try my very best!

  • 『Megan』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161222-00439
    LIN (full) : 「598 490 688」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161223-000555
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 9/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    The little light shining in the dark showing the same wounded face
    This feeling hurts so much as a needle going through the heart
    I always admired you while not having enough courage to tell anything
    I wanted to cry and scream but something refrained me

    The same intense feeling growing inside between the love and the pain
    Tortured by the repeating voices that nobody else can listen to
    This young man who wanted to take my place in this happy future
    I won't let anything happen regardless the many sacrifices to do

    Drowned in the sadness and the regrets after having fallen into despair
    While seeing all these dreams collapsing in front my eyes
    I didn't want to give up any hope or leave you alone with him
    I haven't forgotten this promise and these dying memories...

    While looking at this fresh blood slowly flowing out of him
    These collapsing hopes were suddenly coming back and getting rid of the pain
    Will you finally look at my eyes and no trying to escape anymore?
    Before I tear away this little warm heart from you?

    And French adaptation!

    Petite lumière brillante dans le noir montrant le même visage blessé
    Ce sentiment qui me blesse telle une aiguille droit dans le cœur
    Je t'ai toujours admirée mais te le dire me faisait trop peur
    Je voulais pleurer et hurler mais quelque chose me retenait

    Le même intense sentiment qui grandit entre amour et douleur
    Torturée par les voix répétitives que personne d'autre ne peut écouter
    Ce jeune homme qui voulait prendre ma place dans ce futur plein de bonheur
    Je ne laisserai rien arriver même si quelques sacrifices sont à effectuer

    Noyée dans la tristesse et les regrets après être tombée dans le désespoir
    Alors que je regardais devant mes propres yeux tous ces rêves s'effondrer
    Je ne voulais ni te laisser seule avec lui ni abandonner tout espoir
    Je n'ai pas oublié cette promesse ni ses mémoires sur le point de s'effacer...

    Pendant que je regardais son sang frais s'écouler doucement
    Ces espoirs qui s'effondraient revenaient subitement pour se débarrasser de la douleur
    Me regarderas-tu enfin dans les yeux et ne t'échapperas-tu plus jamais maintenant ?
    Avant que je ne t'arrache ton petit cœur ?


    I hesitated to rate "severe" instead of "normal" yandere... But I think there may be worse.
    It took a while because of lyrics, that's why it's aired only in the afternoon... But I finally finished this song.
    Music : pad by PoiZone, lead by Xpand!2, other synths by Sytrus. And Slayer.

  • 『Strangers』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161221-00437
    LIN (full) : 「598 488 810」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161221-000553
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 12/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The many eyes surrounding them are the only judges
    These hateful thoughts are their only fear
    Everyone is too much afraid actually and deny seeing the truth
    Tending to believe the same blatant lies without understanding

    People are the same and no stupid decision matters
    Everything is weird all around this world built with illusions and thoughts
    Strangers scattered in many places beyond the limits of the lies
    Everyone is a stranger for someone and nobody can decide otherwise

    Staying on each side while the fear of the unknown refrains them
    If nobody trusts nobody, who will build this brilliant future?
    They still won't understand, even if they become strangers themselves
    Where is this feeling of humanity lacking in this world?

    People are the same and no stupid decision matters
    Everything is weird all around this world built with illusions and thoughts
    Strangers scattered in many places beyond the limits of the lies
    Everyone is a stranger for someone and nobody can decide otherwise

    People are the same and no stupid decision matters
    Everything is weird all around this world built with illusions and thoughts
    Strangers scattered in many places beyond the limits of the lies
    Everyone is a stranger for someone and nobody can decide otherwise

    And French adaptation!

    Les nombreux yeux rivés sur eux sont les seuls à les juger
    Leurs pensées haineuses sont la seule chose qu'ils aient à redouter
    Tout le monde a trop peur en fait et refuse de voir la réalité
    Ils tendent à croire les mêmes mensonges sans y rien piger

    Les gens sont les mêmes et aucune décision stupide ne peut importer
    Tout est étrange autour de ce monde construit d'illusions et de fausses pensées
    Étrangers répartis dans tant d'endroits au-delà des limites de mensonges évidents
    Tout le monde est l'étranger de quelqu'un et personne ne peut en décider autrement

    Restant chacun de son côté alors que la peur de l'inconnu les retenait
    Si personne ne croit en personne, qui construira ce futur brillant ?
    Ils ne comprendront toujours pas, même si eux-mêmes devenaient étrangers
    Dans ce monde, où est passé cet humain sentiment ?

    Les gens sont les mêmes et aucune décision stupide ne peut importer
    Tout est étrange autour de ce monde construit d'illusions et de fausses pensées
    Étrangers répartis dans tant d'endroits au-delà des limites de mensonges évidents
    Tout le monde est l'étranger de quelqu'un et personne ne peut en décider autrement

    Les gens sont les mêmes et aucune décision stupide ne peut importer
    Tout est étrange autour de ce monde construit d'illusions et de fausses pensées
    Étrangers répartis dans tant d'endroits au-delà des limites de mensonges évidents
    Tout le monde est l'étranger de quelqu'un et personne ne peut en décider autrement


    For Yukari's birthday!
    Info : you'll need FLS 12.4.1 b4 or more to open the project file - no compatibility patch.
    Music : sequence pads by Toxic Biohazard, first pluck by Transistor Bass (this explains why "no compatibility patch"), second pluck and beats by Xpand!2 and arp pad by PoiZone.
    Lyrics : this time, I really must explain the lyrics because they are a bit confusing in the sense "who am I talking about".
    All is explained here!
    Yeah... That is a tought one.
    Sorry if it's a bit difficult to understand, that's right, the current context doesn't help... But if you should remember something : don't treat strangers as bad people. Because first they're not all like that, also because we could suffer the same consequences if the roles are inverted.

  • 『She Does Not Want』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161221-00438
    LIN (full) : 「598 489 158」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161221-000554
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 11/15

    Rating : Approved for all audiences - A
    Not recommended for people under... : -
    Reason : -
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Orignal English text

    She never asked anything to anyone, not even a little smile
    Always giving from her own the happiness to those who asked for it
    Smiling and laughing, showing some joy to a world full of sadness
    It was not the time to give up these worth efforts done until there

    She does not want to give up
    She does not want to look down
    No more sadness or pain in this already wounded world
    She does not want to give up
    She does not want to look down
    Someday this world will shine again like the sun

    She made so many sacrifices to bring the happiness to people
    Still with this smile and the same thoughts full of hope
    So many people to take care of and still doing the same efforts
    The pain and the despair will never destroy these strong bonds

    She does not want to give up
    She does not want to look down
    No more sadness or pain in this already wounded world
    She does not want to give up
    She does not want to look down
    Someday this world will shine again like the sun

    And French adaptation!

    Elle n'a jamais rien demandé à personne, ni même son sourire
    Toujours donnant par elle-même le bonheur à ceux qui l'ont demandé
    Montrant de la joie à un monde attristé, avec un sourire et un rire
    On ne pouvait abandonner ces efforts jusque là effectués

    Elle ne veut pas abandonner
    Elle ne veut pas lâcher
    Plus de tristesse ou de douleur dans ce monde blessé
    Plus jamais
    Elle ne veut pas abandonner
    Elle ne veut pas lâcher
    Un jour ce monde comme le soleil resplendira de nouveau

    Elle a fait tant de sacrifices pour amener le bonheur aux gens
    Avec toujours ce sourire et les mêmes pensées portantes d'espoir
    Tant de gens à s'occuper et toujours ces mêmes efforts incessants
    Ces forts liens ne seront détruits ni par la douleur ni par le désespoir

    Elle ne veut pas abandonner
    Elle ne veut pas lâcher
    Plus de tristesse ou de douleur dans ce monde blessé
    Plus jamais
    Elle ne veut pas abandonner
    Elle ne veut pas lâcher
    Un jour ce monde comme le soleil resplendira de nouveau


    And for CUL's birthday!
    Info : Requires FLS 12.4.1 b4 or more to open the project file - no compatibility patch.
    Music : sequence pad by Toxic Biohazard, first pluck and arp pad by Transistor Bass, beats by Xpand!2, gated pad by GMS, the bridge is with Sytrus.
    Story : I wanted something positive and cute for once.

  • 『Alexandra』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161220-00436
    LIN (full) : 「598 488 372」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161220-000552
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 14/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The hopes are collapsing while the memories were still remaining
    I never abandoned you even in the most difficult situations
    Fallen into the oblivion with the other fragments of the past like a nightmare
    The feeling I kept silent for a long time was still hurting so much

    After many years have passed, many things have changed during this absence
    I never forgot this promise about this happy future
    Why these memories just disappeared while this feeling continued?
    Do you understand the painful thought against which I try to fight?

    The hopes are collapsing while the memories were still remaining
    I never abandoned you even in the most difficult situations
    Fallen into the oblivion with the other fragments of the past like a nightmare
    The feeling I kept silent for a long time was still hurting so much

    Then you will meet someone and tell him exactly the same promise as mine
    Sharing some happiness and warm feelings while forgetting the past
    These broken memories and this destroyed hope, I won't forgive him
    A sweet fate shattered and lost because of some inattention

    I never understood what you have forgotten me
    After having destroyed the obstacles, maybe you finally will remember
    The blood flowing with these memories that you tried to get rid of
    Hiding since a very long time the same "I love you"...

    And French adaptation!

    Les espoirs s'effondrent alors que les souvenirs sont restés
    Je ne t'ai jamais abandonnée même dans les situations les plus compliquées
    Tombée dans l'oubli tel un cauchemar avec les autres fragments du passé
    Le sentiment que j'ai gardé en silence pendant longtemps sans cesse me blessait

    Après toutes ces années, tant de choses ont bougé quand je n'étais pas là
    Je n'ai jamais oublié cette promesse à propos d'un avenir plein de bonheur
    Pourquoi ces souvenirs ont disparu alors que ce sentiment a continué à grandir en moi ?
    Comprends-tu la douloureuse pensée contre laquelle je me bats de tout mon cœur ?

    Les espoirs s'effondrent alors que les souvenirs sont restés
    Je ne t'ai jamais abandonnée même dans les situations les plus compliquées
    Tombée dans l'oubli tel un cauchemar avec les autres fragments du passé
    Le sentiment que j'ai gardé en silence pendant longtemps sans cesse me blessait

    Alors tu rencontreras quelqu'un et tu lui diras la même promesse que celle que j'ai faite dans le passé
    Échanger du bonheur et ces doux sentiments en oubliant le passé
    Ces souvenirs cassés et cet espoir détruit, je ne le lui pardonnerai jamais
    À cause d'un moment d'inattention, ce doux destin a été perdu et éclaté

    Je n'ai jamais compris que tu m'avais totalement oubliée
    Après avoir détruit les obstacles, peut-être qu'enfin tu te souviendrais
    Le sang coulant avec ces souvenirs dont tu as tenté de te débarrasser
    Et depuis très longtemps de ce "je t'aime" que j'avais caché...


    This is a "re-write" of very old lyrics (August 2014, yeah, that old!). I was so ashamed of the former text and of the former system that I wrote again the same story with the current system. Much better!
    Story : about two girls being friends during their childhood. When they grew up, they went on different ways and the other one forgot the heroine, who fell in love with her. She tries everything to be with her friend/lover, until trying to hurt the people she could meet, and finally suicided of despair.
    Music : this is a big test with Xpand!2 (trance pad, arp, leads, even some beats), PoiZone for the arp pad, Harmor for the sublead (yeah, the arp instrument you hear at the end of the song), Sytrus for the hard kicks in the second part of the song. This is actually a hard trance track, the first part being mostly in the trance spirit, the second one getting closer from the hardcore/hard trance style. Since I know Lily sings well on hard style songs, I thought it would be a good idea to do this.

  • 『Antigone』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161219-00435
    LIN (full) : 「598 486 896」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161219-000551
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 5/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : suicide
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Between the punishments and the suffering that won't stop these thoughts
    I still struggle for a justice that nobody wants to understand
    These people thinking that they can take a final decision
    Only the heaven has to give these orders above their cruelty

    They will never be obeying and surrending to the most powerful divine law
    I tried everything to calm down this sadness and these painful regrets
    Why even punishing an innocent woman listening to the heaven?
    While your merciless words would bring the misfortune in the future?

    Between the punishments and the suffering that won't stop these thoughts
    I still struggle for a justice that nobody wants to understand
    These people thinking that they can take a final decision
    Only the heaven has to give these orders above their cruelty

    Still lying on the ground after having passed the portals of the hell
    Their decision is unforgivable, and regardless the heavy threats
    I even condemned my life for saving your honor
    But I won't let anyone else suffer and being in pain because of me...

    These divine voices sharing my thoughts and threatening by another curse
    This useless cruelty would be the source of other problems and tragedies
    It was too late to repair what was done or even to regret
    If I joined him, maybe his spirit would be appeased...

    And French adaptation!

    Entre les sanctions et la souffrance ne pouvant arrêter ces pensées
    Je me bats toujours pour une justice que personne ne veut écouter
    Ces gens qui pensent que la conclusion sera ce qu'ils ont décidé
    Au-delà de leur cruauté, seuls les cieux ont le droit d'ordonner

    Ils n'obéiront et ne se rendront jamais à la puissante divine loi
    J'ai tout essayé pour calmer cette tristesse et ces douloureux regrets
    Pourquoi même punir une femme innocente qui écoute les célestes voix ?
    Alors que vos phrases sans pitié amèneraient le malheur sans tarder ?

    Entre les sanctions et la souffrance ne pouvant arrêter ces pensées
    Je me bats toujours pour une justice que personne ne veut écouter
    Ces gens qui pensent que la conclusion sera ce qu'ils ont décidé
    Au-delà de leur cruauté, seuls les cieux ont le droit d'ordonner

    Encore allongé sur le sol après que les portails de l'enfer aient été franchis
    Leur décision est impardonnable, et malgré les lourdes menaces pesant sur moi
    Pour sauver ton honneur, j'ai été jusqu'à condamner ma propre vie
    Mais je ne laisserai quiconque souffrir et ressentir la douleur à cause de moi...

    Ces voix divines partageant mes pensées et maudissant leurs vies
    Cette cruauté inutile serait la source d'autres problèmes et tragédies
    Il était trop tard pour réparer de ce qui a été fait ou même pour regretter
    Si je le rejoignais, peut-être que son esprit serait apaisé...


    Long time I haven't used Momo... Time to repair this. Straight voicebank used for this song.
    Story : in the Greek mythology, Antigone struggled for her deceased brother, considered as a traitor by the king, who was not buried for these reasons. Antigone, considering that the divine decisions (bury all dead people) is more important than what real people are saying, tries imploring the king to have some mercy. Then she was punished. After having understood what gods could do if Antigone's brother wasn't buried and Antigone freed, the king finally changes his mind... Too late, because Antigone already suicided.
    Music : for the people who have not seen the screen on Twitter, the first pad was with PoiZone, the gated pads (because there are 2 presets) with GMS, the pluck with Xpand!2 (which is a great VST, for the moment given for free for a limited time, that's why I have it right now).
    Song : Between 3 and 4 hours of work. The reason is the harmonies again. It's not as homogeneous as the other times, so trickier to do. I hope you'll really like it, because I worked very hard on it.

  • CD11 - The Flowers of the Evil


    Hello, Nynthixia there!

    Finally, the album "The Flowers of the Evil"! Hooray!

    Now, time to get the changelog. You already know that two tracks ("Too Much Quiet" and "The Flowers of the Evil") have been patched for quality issues at least. Here are more details.

    Remember : "instrument" means that an instrument has been added or changed, "mixdown" is for the volumes, "lyrics" indicate a lyric change, "patch" is a repair of the demo, "extension" indicates that the song length has been raised.

    When there isn't a title, that means that the album version is the same as the demo version.
    Concerning patched songs (they are in yellow), it is highly recommended to replace your demos by the album versions if you have downloaded them. Better quality.

    Too Much Quiet (feat. Anna Nyui -vivid-)
    [SINGER] Changed the voicebank (vivid)
    [PATCH] Corrected the "off timed" parts caused by former voicebank
    Same instru (same LIC)

    Flown Away (feat. Tohoku Itako)
    [INSTRUMENT] Added some SFX

    The Flowers of the Evil (feat. Tohoku Itako)
    [INSTRUMENT] Added voice SFX
    [INSTRUMENT] Added beats in the 4th part of second verse
    [INSTRUMENT] Added roll+SFX in the outtro
    [MIXDOWN] Corrected the volume of voice SFX
    [PATCH] Corrected the "robotic-sounding" phoneme (moresampler rendering)

    Sophia (feat. Tohoku Kiritan)
    [EXTENSION] Extended outtro
    [LYRICS] Doubled the ending lyric
    [MIXDOWN] Enhanced volume of delayed parts

    Drama Queen (feat. Tohoku Kiritan)
    [EXTENSION] Extended outtro

    Viviana (feat. Tohoku Zunko)
    [EXTENSION] Extended intro

    Marlene (feat. Tohoku Zunko)
    [MIXDOWN] Enhanced the gated pad volume
    [MIXDOWN] Enhanced capella volume

    I hope you'll enjoy this album, this is actually one of the best ones I've made. There are many excellent or high quality songs, and few normal quality ones compared to usual (and I even improved the quality of the third track which was horrible (let's be honest!) for the demo, now it just has a "normal quality").

    For info :
    - tracks 1, 10, 11 and 12 are excellent quality
    - tracks 2, 4, 5 and 6 are high quality
    - tracks 3, 7, 8 and 9 are normal quality

    I let you guess why, in the booklet, some text is red... (^_^)

    Also, the albums now have a tracking number. This is an identifiant I'll use for every albums I've made. A list of all codes will be available soon (probably in a Google Sheet like the other catalogs).

    Else, remember that by now, I'll enter in the very fast pace... One song everyday, with Thursday as exception because you'll have two instead of one. Don't forget to check this list!

    Well, I just have to try my best.


  • 『Remains』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161218-00434
    LIN (full) : 「598 486 545」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161218-000550
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 3/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : suicide references, confusing content
    Restricted on : piapro (not recommended)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    A little fragment falling into the darkness and I forget the past
    We could assemble again these memories together
    I always remembered about you and never forgave this cruelty
    When these tears will reach your face containing all my sadness

    I never reached the happiness and all these hopes have now collapsed
    I made a promise that I couldn't hold to protect you
    Even with these efforts, the future was being torn from our fates
    I wouldn't let you alone in this cold and empty darkness

    A little fragment falling into the darkness and I forget the past
    We could assemble again these memories together
    I always remembered about you and never forgave this cruelty
    When these tears will reach your face containing all my sadness

    The unbearable thoughts breaking my consciousness into countless pieces
    The wounds will never be healed and the painful torture will still continue
    I wanted to see just even a smile but it is too late to regret
    Maybe in another world I'll meet again this warmth...

    And French adaptation!

    Un petit fragment tombant dans les ténèbres et j'oublie tout du passé
    Ensemble, nous aurions pu ramasser ces souvenirs éparpillés
    Je me suis toujours souvenue de toi et je n'ai jamais oublié cette cruauté
    Quand ces larmes atteindront ton visage avec toute la tristesse qu'elles contenaient

    Je n'ai jamais atteint le bonheur et tous ces espoirs se sont maintenant effondrés
    Je n'ai pas pu la promesse que j'ai faite de pouvoir te protéger
    Malgré tous ces efforts, le futur nous était arraché de nos destins
    Je ne te laisserai pas seule dans ces ténèbres glacées et sans fin

    Un petit fragment tombant dans les ténèbres et j'oublie tout du passé
    Ensemble, nous aurions pu ramasser ces souvenirs éparpillés
    Je me suis toujours souvenue de toi et je n'ai jamais oublié cette cruauté
    Quand ces larmes atteindront ton visage avec toute la tristesse qu'elles contenaient

    Les pensées insupportables brisant ma conscience en d'innombrables fragments
    Les blessures ne seront jamais soignées et la pénible torture continuera éternellement
    Je voulais voir ne serait-ce qu'un sourire mais il est trop tard pour regretter
    Peut-être que dans un autre monde, cette douce chaleur, je la ressentirai...


    To be honest, I began working on the music few days ago and it got stopped several times, maybe because I was afraid to fail it.
    It's slower than usual (112BPM only) and I also had difficulties to finish it. I finally got a "correct" quality, but I'll try to do better with next songs, promised.
    Music : sequence pad and second pad by Toxic Biohazard, lead by Harmor, supersaw pluck by GMS.

  • Hello, Nynthixia there.

    The page for GUMI has been added to the blog, and now, all the singer pages indicate what is the motor used. Also updated the profiles of Zunko and Kiritan for their birthday dates (Oct 27th for Zunko and Feb 13th for Kiritan), I still don't have Itako's, but maybe someday if the info pops up...

    (For info these dates were confirmed by the official Twitter of Zunko)

    Well, enough told about this... I still have one song to do or on today or on tomorrow, and here is the schedule for next week! Like I said, there would be one day without any song and... Seems there is a beautiful occasion for this. Take your notepads and note!


    CD11 - The Flowers of the Evil
    (singers : Anna Nyui, Tohoku Itako, Tohoku Kiritan, Tohoku Zunko)

    This is the day without any new song, but you have a whole album instead, so, I thought it would be a good idea. You still would have something to listen to. I changed the voicebank for "Too Much Quiet", the quality isn't perfect either, but a few better compared to the demo. Also, I fixed the problem with Itako and her "robotic-sounding" phoneme. Hope you'll get the album soon.


    Antigone (feat. Momone Momo)

    After "CELOSINA" and the second song that will be aired on this weekend, third song to be part of the February album (I don't reveal the tracklist right now because I'm not sure if I'll extend it or not). I noticed that Momo had very few songs compared to some other regular singers that were here since the same time or since less time. This song will require a few research, but I made a part of the work few days ago already, I just have to do the lyrics, and here we go.


    Alexandra (feat. Lily)

    This one will be a rewriting of one of my very very old song tests, which had the same title but with all caps (it was on 2014). So, I still have the main idea, but the original lyrics are pretty bad compared to the recent ones, so I'll do again the lyrics, and do again the music entirely.
    [Normal yandere, tragedy]


    Strangers (feat. Yuzuki Yukari) + She Does Not Want (feat. CUL)

    Special birthday. That's why there was one day without any new song, because there are two in this one, and I should take a little advance on it.
    Strangers : I wanted again a soft song for Yukari, after all the yandere ones she had, so maybe an "all audiences" song.
    She Does Not Want : I still have no idea for this one, but I'll come out with a storyline. Promised!


    Megan (feat. Yuzuki Yukari)

    And for those who will be wondering : no, I won't do the same style as Eyeris did with "Exorcism". But I still love this song personally (yeah, even if there are swearings in it).
    Would more be maybe or a yandere or a yangire.
    [Normal yandere or Yangire]


    Enora (feat. Namine Ritsu)

    Still no idea for the story, will come soon I guess. But I thought that Ritsu was a few late compared to the other mains (not talking about Lily who has more more songs than any main singer!). So, he is also on the list.


    End of Suffering (feat. Hinomoto Oniko)

    And the last one from the January album... With Oniko. Surely a tragedy. For her birthday.

    + unlock of GUMI


    Well... I should come back to work on my side.



    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161215-00433
    LIN (full) : 「598 484 071」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161216-000549
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 7/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Listening to your words while I was still remaining in the silence
    With the heart shattered into pieces, without nowhere to go, nowhere to look
    Lost in an empty world in which the thoughts are keeping me prisoner
    While everything is being erased until falling down into the depths of the hell

    These moments became unbearable to remember during the loneliness
    When you always ignored me without even daring to look behind
    These memories are hurting so much, my spirit wants to escape
    Flowing out this rottening body already falling behind the shadows

    Listening to your words while I was still remaining in the silence
    With the heart shattered into pieces, without nowhere to go, nowhere to look
    Lost in an empty world in which the thoughts are keeping me prisoner
    While everything is being erased until falling down into the depths of the hell

    Still in an endless torture while painfully thinking about you
    Regardless being in a reality in which you always deny to look at me
    I can cry all the possible tears even the bloody ones
    Unless he disappears, I'll still be nothing at your eyes

    This time I had to wait in the torture and the despair
    This blood that was spilled from a body possessed by the worst corruption
    I was hoping to get your attention before the consciousness vanishes
    If your gaze was turning around me, this future would surely happen...

    And French adaptation!

    En train d'écouter tes mots alors que dans le silence je demeurais
    Avec le cœur brisé en morceaux, sans nulle part où aller ni même où regarder
    Perdue dans un monde vide où je suis prisonnière de mes pensées
    Où tout serait effacé dans les profondeurs de cet enfer jusqu'à en tomber

    Dans cette solitude, ces moments devenus insupportables à se souvenir
    Quand tu m'as toujours ignorée sans même oser te retourner pour regarder
    Ces souvenirs qui me faisaient tellement mal, mon esprit veut s'échapper
    Dans les ombres, coulant de ce corps en train de pourrir

    En train d'écouter tes mots alors que dans le silence je demeurais
    Avec le cœur brisé en morceaux, sans nulle part où aller ni même où regarder
    Perdue dans un monde vide où je suis prisonnière de mes pensées
    Où tout serait effacé dans les profondeurs de cet enfer jusqu'à en tomber

    Toujours dans une torture sans fin où je continue douloureusement de penser à toi
    Même en étant dans une réalité où tu as toujours refusé de me regarder
    Je peux pleurer toutes les larmes possibles y compris les ensanglantées
    À moins qu'il ne disparaisse, à tes yeux je ne serai toujours rien pour toi

    Ce temps que j'ai eu à attendre dans la torture et le désespoir
    Ce sang renversé d'un corps possédé par la pire des corruptions
    Avant que ma conscience ne s'évanouisse, j'espérais pouvoir avoir un peu de ton attention
    Si ton regard s'était tourné vers moi, ce futur aurait encore un peu d'espoir...


    I honestly thought I'd do worse. And... It actually sounds good!
    Music : sequence pad and second full pad with Toxic Biohazard, gated pad by Sytrus (a good old one), pluck by Autogun, lead by Sawer. And the Slayer of course, that we don't introduce anymore.

  • 『Pull the Trigger』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161211-00426
    LIN (full) : 「598 480 370」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161211-000541
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 15/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : shocking content, murder references
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Between the endless nights and the reality distorted by the illusions
    Still restless while feeling the corrupted blood flowing
    Nobody seeing the same things in front of them, nor hearing the voices
    The end of a perfectly known world will soon be triggered

    Just a remaining shadow being ordered by the voices of insanity
    Without even the possibility to make any decision nor saving any lifes
    These people shouting at me until my fall into the despair
    This awful dream has to disappear just with a single move

    I tried to struggle against these thoughts, even everything that would be worth it
    Nothing vanishes, I can't stand anymore against so much resistance
    People are thinking that this insomnia could be the reason of this curse
    But this harassment is stronger than my spirit and I'm always beaten...

    Just a remaining shadow being ordered by the voices of insanity
    Without even the possibility to make any decision nor saving any lifes
    These people shouting at me until my fall into the despair
    This awful dream has to disappear just with a single move

    Just a remaining shadow being ordered by the voices of insanity
    Without even the possibility to make any decision nor saving any lifes
    These people shouting at me until my fall into the despair
    This awful dream has to disappear just with a single move

    And French adaptation!

    Entre les nuits sans fin et la réalité que les illusions ont déformée
    Encore réveillée alors que je sens ce sang corrompu couler
    Personne ne voyant les mêmes choses devant eux, sans même entendre les voix
    Quelque chose déclenchera la fin d'un monde que nous connaissons sur le bout des doigts

    Juste une ombre aux ordres des voix de la folie
    Sans même avoir la possibilité de faire une décision ou de sauver des vies
    Ces gens qui me hurlent dessus jusqu'à me faire tomber dans le désespoir définitivement
    Cet affreux rêve doit disparaître d'un seul mouvement

    J'ai essayé de me battre contre ces pensées, qu'importe les moyens utilisés
    Rien ne s'évanouit, toute seule je ne peux plus résister dorénavant
    Les gens pensent que ce manque de repos serait la raison des malheurs qui me sont arrivés
    Mais je suis toujours battue, mon esprit étant plus faible que leurs harcèlements...

    Juste une ombre aux ordres des voix de la folie
    Sans même avoir la possibilité de faire une décision ou de sauver des vies
    Ces gens qui me hurlent dessus jusqu'à me faire tomber dans le désespoir définitivement
    Cet affreux rêve doit disparaître d'un seul mouvement

    Juste une ombre aux ordres des voix de la folie
    Sans même avoir la possibilité de faire une décision ou de sauver des vies
    Ces gens qui me hurlent dessus jusqu'à me faire tomber dans le désespoir définitivement
    Cet affreux rêve doit disparaître d'un seul mouvement


    Story : about a girl who has a very, very serious mental disorder... She often hears voices telling her to end the world, for example by harming or killing people. She tried to fight against it, nothing to do. She even loses her sleep, driving her deeper in the insanity. (No, really, insomnia can drive you crazy at a certain point) And when people try to warn her, she often sees them as bad people.
    Music : very cold and dark music, using Toxic Biohazard for the sequence pad and the second lead (the pluck too, since this is the same instrument as the lead). Atmo pad by PoiZone, which also does an excellent work for this type of things... And makes some parts of the music more disturbing. Simple music but very efficient.

  • 『Morgana』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161210-00425
    LIN (full) : 「598 479 688」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161210-000540
    Instrumental - sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 7/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : shocking content
    Restricted on : piapro (not recommended)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    Always hidden behind their shadows with a cursed fate
    The people denigrating me and forgetting about my kindness
    I hated everything in this life already given a long time ago
    I wanted to shatter this illusion that this world has created

    Everyone only remembering about this jealousy that I was feeling
    I just wanted to protect you and feel again this warmth
    Prisoner between the love and the hatred, near a world at the edge of the destruction
    I started to cry in the darkness and falling into a deep despair...

    Will you finally listen to me and obey?
    When you'll see the demise of this world and of these traitors
    The bitter taste of this revenge surrounded by a bloody battlefield
    While your life was fading away, bringing you back to the paradise

    Always hidden behind their shadows with a cursed fate
    The people denigrating me and forgetting about my kindness
    I hated everything in this life already given a long time ago
    I wanted to shatter this illusion that this world has created

    And French adaptation!

    Avec un destin maudit, dans leurs ombres j'étais cachée
    Les gens qui me dénigraient et oubliaient la gentillesse que je possédais
    Je détestais tout de cette vie que depuis longtemps l'on m'a donnée
    Je voulais détruire cette illusion que ce monde avait créé

    Tout le monde ne se souvenait que de cette jalousie que je ressentais
    Je voulais juste ressentir cette chaleur encore une fois et assurer ta protection
    Prisonnière entre l'amour et la haine, près d'un monde au bord de sa destruction
    Dans le noir, j'ai commencé à tomber dans le désespoir et à pleurer...

    Vas-tu enfin m'obéir et m'écouter ?
    Lorsque tu verras la destruction de ce monde et des gens qui t'ont trahi
    Le goût amer de cette vengeance entouré par un champ de bataille ensanglanté
    Alors que ta vie s'effaçait, te ramenant au paradis

    Avec un destin maudit, dans leurs ombres j'étais cachée
    Les gens qui me dénigraient et oubliaient la gentillesse que je possédais
    Je détestais tout de cette vie que depuis longtemps l'on m'a donnée
    Je voulais détruire cette illusion que ce monde avait créé


    For Stella's birthday! And actually this is the best song featuring her that I made.
    For info, Morgana isn't a yandere. The lyrics may look like a yandere song a few, but she is just (at least here) a torn woman, not hesitating to manipulate some people... And who can actually be a good person, especially for healing some people.
    For those who understood, it's inspired by the myth of the fairy Morgan. This is a tricky one, to the point I had to modify several things, remove another ones... The problem is that the point of view of people for Morgana has changed from the good to the bad one. First seen as being nice, then as an evil and jealous "witch". No kidding, her image really was degraded in the time.
    So yeah, the lyrics were a few a pain to write!
    Music : sequence pad by Toxic Biohazard, except for the bridge one that was made with a Sytrus preset. The pluck is an ensemble of 2 Sawer presets, and the lead track is with GMS (long time I haven't used this one by the way).

  • Hello, Nynthixia there!
    At more than 10 PM, still awake and trying to fight against her fatigue, but still standing!

    I said on yesterday a little... Thing on Twitter... That in few days there would be a big change in my producer's life...

    Well, know what? On the 25th, I'll have the chance to get GUMI!

    And because there I'll begin to not have the choice, I took the Native VB for Vocaloid 4. So starter pack.


    To be honest... I still don't have plans for GUMI. For the moment, of course, maybe someday.

    I also know that I'll air something for Kiritan for February 13th, same for kokone the next day. Wow. That will be tight, but I'll manage to find a solution.


    Concerning the January cover... Probably "ALETHEA" "BETH" with the instru made by feli, and the singer will be MAYU. I know the song is already a yandere one, plus, I think I have to train with MAYU.
    Seriously. A serious training with this singer.
    And I'll set this for mid-January (no precize air date), and it will be on Tmbox only.


    Well that's all for the moment. Enjoy!


  • 『Heart Executioner』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161206-00424
    LIN (full) : 「598 476 594」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161207-000539
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 4/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The feeling that I'll never abandon to keep your love
    Prisoner of these thoughts never fading away
    I was never the person who made the choice, nobody can decide
    Breaking the chains refraining the heart from a last execution

    At the first sight I never stopped thinking about you
    This future and this happiness that we could both bring to this world
    I never wanted to break this little heart inside this fragile spirit
    Never being able to tell a single word that has a meaning

    The feeling that I'll never abandon to keep your love
    Prisoner of these thoughts never fading away
    I was never the person who made the choice, nobody can decide
    Breaking the chains refraining the heart from a last execution

    A meaningless world where many broken hearts are meeting each other
    The little hope remaining from the thoughts hidden behind smiles
    Nothing is the responsible about this feeling, we both know the cause
    This is just a random situation happening at some moment

    A last heart execution...
    A last, a last...
    Because of them...
    Who have been killed...
    Who have been...

    And French adaptation!

    Le sentiment que, pour notre amour, je n'abandonnerai jamais
    Prisonnière de ces pensées qui ne s'évanouissaient jamais
    Je n'ai pas été celle qui a fait le choix, personne ne peut effectuer la décision
    De casser les chaînes retenant ce cœur d'une dernière exécution

    Dès le premier regard je n'ai cessé de penser à toi
    Ce futur et ce bonheur que dans ce monde nous pourrions amener
    Je n'ai jamais voulu briser ce petit cœur dans ton esprit fragilisé
    Je n'ai jamais pu dire un mot qui avait une signification pour toi

    Le sentiment que, pour notre amour, je n'abandonnerai jamais
    Prisonnière de ces pensées qui ne s'évanouissaient jamais
    Je n'ai pas été celle qui a fait le choix, personne ne peut effectuer la décision
    De casser les chaînes retenant ce cœur d'une dernière exécution

    Un monde sans signification où tant de cœurs brisés se sont rencontrés
    Le petit espoir restant de nos pensées qui derrière tant de sourires s'est dissimulé
    Rien n'est responsable de ce sentiment, nous connaissons la raison parfaitement
    C'est juste une situation aléatoire qui arrive à un certain moment

    L'exécution d'un dernier cœur...
    Un dernier, un dernier...
    La faute, c'est la leur...
    Qui ont été tués...
    Ont été...


    When I say "heart executioner", what are you thinking about in the first place? Maybe someone who accumulates the meetings with several lovers. And abandoning them one by one. And if it had an all other meaning... Such as killing the people who would be too much curious about our lover?
    When you read the first lyrics, "OK that's good, she seems to be a good girl"... Until the huge sanity slippage at the end. Never trust a so innocent face, else you'll never understand what will happen.
    Music : the light pad by Sytrus, and it's one pad you know quite well now (and I love it), choirs by a DSK plugin, and all the rest (sequence pads) by Toxic Biohazard. Sorry about the capella, it's a few less well done than the first song I made with CUL... But it's not that horrible either.

  • 『For 13』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161203-00423
    LIN (full) : 「598 473 683」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161204-000538
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 10/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The strong bonds that would never break up regardless any incidents
    Even if the life shatters into pieces, this feeling will still grow
    I always protected you from these obstacles and curses against us
    These people who wanted your death will soon regret...

    Nobody may think anything about you and they can forget
    They were hurting your little heart, I couldn't forgive it
    Everyone will disappear from this world of illusions and lies
    The final punishment will come while this love continues

    The strong bonds that would never break up regardless any incidents
    Even if the life shatters into pieces, this feeling will still grow
    I always protected you from these obstacles and curses against us
    These people who wanted your death will soon regret...

    The pain and the sorrow will be stopped when their lives will vanish
    Without even having the time to regret or to excuse themselves
    While their lives are being consumed by the most horrible suffering
    I promise that I'll let you free from this torment

    These threats are part of the past now we're assured to be safe
    Finally you will be in my arms in an eternal happiness
    If even with these efforts your existence fades away
    Then I'll never let these bonds break so easily...

    And French adaptation!

    Les forts liens qui ne se briseraient jamais qu'importe les incidents
    Même si la vie se fragmente, je sentirai toujours grandir ce sentiment
    Je t'ai toujours protégée de ces obstacles et malédictions qui nous menaçaient
    Ces gens qui voulaient te voir mourir finiraient par le regretter...

    Personne ne devrait penser quoi que ce soit de tout et peuvent t'oublier
    Ils blessaient ton petit cœur, jamais je ne pourrais le leur pardonner
    Tout le monde disparaîtrait de ce monde que les mensonges et illusions ont bâti
    La sanction finale viendra alors que cet amour sera encore en vie

    Les forts liens qui ne se briseraient jamais qu'importe les incidents
    Même si la vie se fragmente, je sentirai toujours grandir ce sentiment
    Je t'ai toujours protégée de ces obstacles et malédictions qui nous menaçaient
    Ces gens qui voulaient te voir mourir finiraient par le regretter...

    Lorsque leurs vies s'évanouiront, la douleur et le chagrin seront arrêtés
    Sans même avoir le temps de regretter ou de s'excuser
    Alors que la pire des souffrances consume leurs vies lentement
    Je te promets que je te libérerai de ce tourment

    Ces menaces font désormais partie du passé maintenant que nous sommes en sécurité
    Tu seras dans mes bras, dans le bonheur, éternellement
    Même si avec ces efforts ton existence venait à s'effacer
    Alors je ne laisserai pas ces liens se briser si facilement...


    Title : it's a pun with the 2 numbers of death, "4" for Japan, "13" for Occidental countries. Then I changed a letter in the "4". It gave this. (Double death!)
    Music : the first lead track was made with Sawer, all the rest with Toxic Biohazard. The beats are 100% homemade for this one (even the roll)... And else, on Twitter, there is a screenshot if you want to see further!
    Song itself and story : this is the most subtile yandere story I made with MAYU ("SELEMINA" and "KALLIDORA" being more brutal). I know the lyrics may not be very clear on this side, so I'll explain a few. The lover of the heroine is actually someone who was cursed by many people, these last ones even wanting her death. And the fact that the heroine wants them to forget about her lover is because they won't become any obstacle anymore, as well as a potential love rival, but also as a threat wanting to kill her lover. And she's even saying that if all what she is doing doesn't work and if her lover dies, she would also sacrifice her own life to be with her.

  • 『Paulina』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161129-00422
    LIN (full) : 「598 471 551」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161202-000537
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Stranger Sorceresses - TRACK 13/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    Repeating wounds and continuing sorrow are hurting each thought
    The last memories erased by a bitter feeling before falling into the despair
    I wanted to remember again about this past happiness scattered by the fear
    Before forgetting about this repetitive pain breaking this little heart

    The miserable life that was still standing in the sorrow and the despair finally faded
    I thought the happiness would come back in this world of emptiness
    His consciousness left since a while ago and I am still crying
    Are these wounds shattering this suffering heart?

    I never dared watching you directly in the eyes and face your sight
    While being paralyzed by the fear and fighting against this unbearable pain
    You would probably never forgive me and I'll understand why
    Then let me just break down this already corrupted existence...

    The miserable life that was still standing in the sorrow and the despair finally faded
    I thought the happiness would come back in this world of emptiness
    His consciousness left since a while ago and I am still crying
    Are these wounds shattering this suffering heart?

    And French adaptation!

    Les blessures se répétant et le chagrin continu qui blessent chaque pensée
    Avant de tomber dans le désespoir, un sentiment amer effaçant les derniers souvenirs passés
    Je voulais me souvenir de ce bonheur passé dispersé par la peur
    Avant d'oublier cette douleur répétitive brisant ce petit cœur

    La vie misérable qui se tenait dans le chagrin et le désespoir s'est finalement évanouie
    J'ai pensé que dans ce monde de vide, le bonheur reviendrait
    Sa conscience est partie depuis un bout de temps et je me retrouve encore à pleurer
    Est-ce que ces blessures déchireraient ce cœur endolori ?

    Je n'ai jamais osé te regarder directement dans les yeux ni même faire face à toi
    Paralysée par la peur et combattant contre cette douleur que je ne peux supporter
    Je comprendrai parfaitement pourquoi tu refuseras de me pardonner
    Alors laisse-moi juste détruire cette vie corrompue pour toi...

    La vie misérable qui se tenait dans le chagrin et le désespoir s'est finalement évanouie
    J'ai pensé que dans ce monde de vide, le bonheur reviendrait
    Sa conscience est partie depuis un bout de temps et je me retrouve encore à pleurer
    Est-ce que ces blessures déchireraient ce cœur endolori ?


    Sorry again for the delay. ><
    Music : this is quite a mess... (^_^)" Atmo by PoiZone, one of the pads and the sequence for the lead by Toxic Biohazard, pluck track and one gated pad by Morphine, short arp by Harmless, continuous arp by Harmor. Yeah, for this one, there's a bit everything.
    Well... 20 days before the next song for Yukari, for her birthday!

  • Hello Nynthixia there.

    Wow... Long time there was no news. Yeah, since the last album.

    - I haven't worked yet on album versions for "The Flowers of the Evil". The thing is that I need to patch 2 tracks.
    1) "Too Much Quiet". There will be chances that I'll change the version of Nyui, and that I'll use lemon or vivid. Since I'm not the one who does the rendering, it slows a few down the pace. Plus I have to do tests of the .ust first. I think that the problem of "off time capella" comes or from the voicebank (in this case I'll use another one) or from the .ust itself when I wrote the notes.
    2) "The Flowers of the Evil" (the track). A vibrato causes a note to sound weirdly robotic and that's why there's no silver star in the recommendations for this one. Normally the album ver should have one, but I have to correct the .ust (here, only a vibrato to lower) and I'm not the one who does the rendering either.

    Concerning others, there are already excellent quality tracks, "White Dress", all the songs with Zunko in general, some ones with Itako as well... Any changes? Don't know. Some of them won't be extended for sure ("Flown Away", already 5min30... Maybe a bit much?). I'll see that in the future days.

    For the CD11.5 (the first album to get some tracks featuring MAYU and CUL, yay!) the title is "Stranger Sorceresses". This can sound a bit weird, but there are references to two songs, "Circe" (this one is quite good) and "Strangers" (the song for Yukari's birthday).
    The air date will be on January 21st.

    The tracklist is the same. For those who forgot about it...

    01. Reminiscence (feat. Lily, MAYU, Yuzuki Yukari, kokone) - AIRED ON NOV 13TH
    02. SELEMINA (feat. MAYU) - AIRED ON NOV 7TH
    04. Heart Executioner (feat. CUL) - NOT AIRED YET
    05. Unforgettable Dance (feat. CUL) - AIRED ON NOV 8TH
    06. End of Suffering (feat. Hinomoto Oniko) - WILL BE AIRED ON DEC 25TH
    07. Morgana (feat. Hoshine Stella) - WILL BE AIRED ON DEC 11TH
    08. Chloris (feat. IA -ROCKS-) - AIRED ON NOV 14TH
    09. Circe (feat. Gahata Meiji -Lilith-) - AIRED ON NOV 27TH 2016
    10. For 13 (feat. MAYU) - NOT AIRED YET
    11. She Does Not Want (feat. CUL) - WILL BE AIRED ON DEC 22ND
    12. Strangers (feat. Yuzuki Yukari) - WILL BE AIRED ON DEC 22ND
    13. Paulina (feat. Yuzuki Yukari) - NOT AIRED YET (WIP)
    14. Sweet Melancholy (feat. Lily) - AIRED ON NOV 25TH
    15. Pull the Trigger (feat. Lily) - NOT AIRED YET

    Legend : Already online | Airing date unknown | Online airing scheduled

    I thought that would be weird to work on songs for this album (the birthday ones, especially for Yukari, CUL and Oniko) soon after the others ones, but with the pace and my fatigue (again...), we will be on a good time!

    (I wish I could work faster like I usually did... But with my current condition, this is more are more difficult)

    I'm still doing a few "one song during the week, one song during the weekend" so it's still in the current pace, that's why I don't change it. But when you see the dates when I composed the instru and the one when I finished the whole song...

    Other thing. For the holidays, I'll set the fast pace from December 19th to January 1st. There will be some days without any song aired.
    The reason is that I'll air two songs on December 22nd (on a Thursday), the birthday songs for CUL and Yukari. The pace will be "a song per day" (I WILL maintain it!) so in the first week, there will be one day (not the 25th though, because Oniko will have a song for her birthday) without any song aired. And that will be normal! Which day exactly? Still don't know.

    For the second week of holidays, normally, everything should be normal. I'll try my best!


    This is what happens when you don't write news for a big time... You always have lots of things to tell.

    See you soon for a song with Yukari, I'm working on it.

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