• Meiji Gahata / 歌幡メイジ

    Meiji Gahata / 歌幡メイジ歌幡メイジ

    VOICEBANKS : (Modified [oto.ini removed] (VCV => CV))
    Classical voicebank, -Hunter-, -Marchen-, -Lilith-, -Fairy-
    VCV renderings by felichan (2016) then Nynthixia (2017+)

  • 『Collateral Damage』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : Nectar Elements, Neoverb, Neutron 4, Ozone 10 Advanced, Nectar 3 Plus, Vocal Doubler
    Tracks mixing: Vegas Pro 20, FL Studio 21
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 21
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-230326-01565
    LIN (full) : 「600 906 908」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-230326-001719
    Full archive
    Album : Genesis of Blackness - TRACK ??/25

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 20.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry (soon)

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    As dangerous as poison, even though this wasn't my intention
    I know you won't accept my apologies
    Just a collateral damage by pure inattention
    But an unfixable loss heavy with consequences however

    Free me from the cage of lies and illusions, let me breathe
    This toxic air that intoxicates and surrounds me
    I deserve a punishment for always having been foolish
    For having stolen your happiness and letting the situation worsen

    As dangerous as poison, even though this wasn't my intention
    I know you won't accept my apologies
    Just a collateral damage by pure inattention
    But an unfixable loss heavy with consequences however

    I wanted to offer you the happiest future
    But he stood in front of me and I hit
    I saw his body slowly collapsing
    So I understand now if you want to punish me

    As dangerous as poison, even though this wasn't my intention
    I know you won't accept my apologies
    Just a collateral damage by pure inattention
    But an unfixable loss heavy with consequences however

    And French adaptation!

    Aussi dangereuse que du poison, même si ce n'était pas mon intention
    Je sais que mes excuses ne pourront être acceptées
    Juste un dommage collatéral par inattention
    Mais une perte lourde de conséquences qui ne saura être réparée

    Libère-moi de cette cage de mensonges et d'illusions, laisse-moi respirer
    Cet air toxique qui m'intoxique et m'entoure
    Je mérite une punition pour avoir été idiote toujours
    Pour avoir volé ton bonheur et laissé la situation empirer

    Aussi dangereuse que du poison, même si ce n'était pas mon intention
    Je sais que mes excuses ne pourront être acceptées
    Juste un dommage collatéral par inattention
    Mais une perte lourde de conséquences qui ne saura être réparée

    Je voulais t'offrir le plus heureux des avenirs
    Mais il s'est tenu devant moi et j'ai frappé
    J'ai vu son corps lentement s'effondrer
    Alors maintenant je comprends si tu veux me punir

    Aussi dangereuse que du poison, même si ce n'était pas mon intention
    Je sais que mes excuses ne pourront être acceptées
    Juste un dommage collatéral par inattention
    Mais une perte lourde de conséquences qui ne saura être réparée


    When you kill someone who just stood in front of you to protect the one you really wanted to target.
    Music: bass and lead by The Conservatoire Collection, bouzouki by Plectra 1, arp pad by Mosaic Pluck, sub lead by Elysium Harp. Strings song should I say.

  • 『Purification Mantra』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : Nectar Elements, Neoverb, Neutron 4, Ozone 9 Advanced, Nectar 3 Plus
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 19, FL Studio 20
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 20
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-220606-01389
    LIN (full) : 「600 587 361」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-220606-001543
    Full archive
    Album : Ancestral Destiny - TRACK 3/23

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : murders, insanity
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 20.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics







    Original English text

    I always repeat the same words
    Until losing the sense of reality and this consciousness
    I can't think about anything else than this silence
    Before the whispers start again right away

    I can't sustain to see the others suffering anymore
    It wounds me too much, deep in the heart, I want to let them free

    I always repeat the same words
    Until losing the sense of reality and this consciousness
    I can't think about anything else than this silence
    Before the whispers start again right away

    The nightmare will end, the voices stop repeating the same things incessantly
    These whispers in the head tormenting me until it never ends

    I always repeat the same words
    Until losing the sense of reality and this consciousness
    I can't think about anything else than this silence
    Before the whispers start again right away

    If their souls are too much suffering
    I'll send them to a paradise where they'll be able to rest
    And if voices aren't reduced to silence
    I'll bring my consciousness to this opposite world

    And French adaptation!

    Je répète toujours les mêmes mots
    Jusqu'à perdre le sens de la réalité et cette conscience
    Je ne peux penser à rien d'autre que ce silence
    Avant que les chuchotements ne reprennent aussitôt

    Je ne peux plus supporter de voir les autres souffrir
    Ça me blesse tellement, profondément dans mon cœur, je veux les libérer

    Je répète toujours les mêmes mots
    Jusqu'à perdre le sens de la réalité et cette conscience
    Je ne peux penser à rien d'autre que ce silence
    Avant que les chuchotements ne reprennent aussitôt

    Le cauchemar prendra fin, les voix cessent de répéter les mêmes choses sans arrêt
    Ces murmures dans ma tête qui me tourmentent jusqu'à n'en plus finir

    Je répète toujours les mêmes mots
    Jusqu'à perdre le sens de la réalité et cette conscience
    Je ne peux penser à rien d'autre que ce silence
    Avant que les chuchotements ne reprennent aussitôt

    Si leurs âmes sont trop en souffrance
    Je les enverrai dans un paradis où elles pourront se reposer
    Et si les voix ne se réduisent pas au silence
    J'emmènerai ma conscience dans ce monde opposé


    A girl who became insane thinking the only way to "purify" people from their madness... Is to kill them.
    I know this reminds a certain nurse but it's not the song about her.
    Music: pads and arp by Mosaic Voices, lead and bridge by Mosaic Pluck. Reminds a bit of dance/trance.

  • 『The End of an Era』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX, iZotope Neutron 3 Advanced, iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced, iZotope Nectar 3 Plus
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 19
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 20
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-220302-01348
    LIN (full) : 「600 489 115」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-220303-001502
    Full archive
    Album : Stars Going Extinct - TRACK 9/22

    Rating : Questionable - Q
    Not recommended for people under... : 10
    Reason : possibly confusing content
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 20.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics




    Original English text

    After such a long time, it's finally time for a change
    My memories won't be erased ever again
    My life doesn't have any other purpose in the world
    I never belonged here, and at the same time...

    Serving a hidden enemy for years, and I can't go forward
    I even forgot the promise I made to you several years ago
    I'm now about to destroy a large part of my past
    But I won't have any regrets, I'll look towards the future

    After such a long time, it's finally time for a change
    My memories won't be erased ever again
    My life doesn't have any other purpose in the world
    I never belonged here, and at the same time...

    And French adaptation!

    Après si longtemps, il est l'heure enfin pour un changement
    Mes souvenirs ne seront plus jamais effacés à présent
    Ma vie dans ce monde n'a aucun autre but cependant
    Je n'ai jamais trouvé ma place ici, et en même temps...

    Au service d'un ennemi caché pour des années, et je ne peux avancer
    J'ai même oublié la promesse que je t'ai faite il y a de cela quelques années
    Et maintenant je suis sur le point de détruire un large pan de mon passé
    Mais je n'aurai point de regrets, je regarderai vers le futur désormais

    Après si longtemps, il est l'heure enfin pour un changement
    Mes souvenirs ne seront plus jamais effacés à présent
    Ma vie dans ce monde n'a aucun autre but cependant
    Je n'ai jamais trouvé ma place ici, et en même temps...


    Very inspired by the plotwist of Hitman III for this one. To the point the music is even a big shout out to the musics in the Chongqing level.
    Music: mixes gamelan and orchestral. Choirs by Mysteria, gamelan by Balinese Gamelan II, pad by Viego, atmo by Geosonics II, bassline by Haunted Spaces, bassline by Natural Forces, strings by Stradivari Cello, Amati Viola and Guarneri Violin.

  • 『Traitor's Burden』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX, iZotope Neutron 3 Advanced, iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced, iZotope Nectar 3 Plus
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 18
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 20
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-210710-01258
    LIN (full) : 「600 233 866」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-210710-001412
    Instrumental + sung version + catalog ticket
    Album : Melodies of Violence -From Azur Abyss- - TRACK 7/14

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 19.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics








    Original English text

    Filthy and ungrateful man who betrayed me, when are you going to regret lies and excuses?
    I won't be forgiving you that easily, and as long you will be alive you'll feel the burden
    Crying tears from his body, incessantly imploring for pain to end
    Estimate yourself to be grateful for still being alive, and endure the punishment

    A long time ago you promised me
    My pain would be forever gone away
    I wanted to embrace you so strongly
    This nightmare would finally come to an end

    Filthy and ungrateful man who betrayed me, when are you going to regret lies and excuses?
    I won't be forgiving you that easily, and as long you will be alive you'll feel the burden
    Crying tears from his body, incessantly imploring for pain to end
    Estimate yourself to be grateful for still being alive, and endure the punishment

    You just pretended you weren't seeing me
    You ignored my presence like your own shadow
    I looked at you from everywhere at the same time
    Denying the beautiful awaiting fate

    Don't think to escape consequences
    You just would be caught lying
    Don't expect any clemency coming from me
    It's too late to apologize for your sins

    How could I have been so stupid until now?
    Waiting for a love from fairy tales
    I knew I shouldn't have trusted you
    But this intense love blinded my wisdom

    Filthy and ungrateful man who betrayed me, when are you going to regret lies and excuses?
    I won't be forgiving you that easily, and as long you will be alive you'll feel the burden
    Crying tears from his body, incessantly imploring for pain to end
    Estimate yourself to be grateful for still being alive, and endure the punishment

    And French adaptation!

    Sale et ingrat homme qui m'a trahie, quand regretteras-tu mensonges et excuses aussitôt ?
    Je ne te pardonnerai si facilement, et tant que tu seras en vie tu sentiras le fardeau
    Pleurant les larmes de ton corps, implorant incessamment que la douleur ne cesse
    Estime-toi heureux pour encore être en vie, et endure ta punition sans cesse

    Il y a longtemps tu m'avais promis
    Que ma douleur finirait à jamais par s'en aller
    Je voulais si fort t'enlacer
    Ce cauchemar serait enfin fini

    Sale et ingrat homme qui m'a trahie, quand regretteras-tu mensonges et excuses aussitôt ?
    Je ne te pardonnerai si facilement, et tant que tu seras en vie tu sentiras le fardeau
    Pleurant les larmes de ton corps, implorant incessamment que la douleur ne cesse
    Estime-toi heureux pour encore être en vie, et endure ta punition sans cesse

    Tu as prétendu ne pas me voir
    Tu as ignoré ma présence comme l'ombre derrière toi
    Je t'ai regardé de partout en même temps
    Refusant le destin merveilleux qui nous attend

    Ne pense pas échapper aux conséquences
    Tu ne ferais qu'être attrapé encore à mentir tout le temps
    Ne t'attends de ma part à aucune clémence
    Il est trop tard pour t'excuser de tes péchés maintenant

    Comment ai-je pu être aussi stupide jusqu'à maintenant j'ai pensé
    Attendant un amour digne d'un conte de fées
    Je le savais que je n'aurais dû jamais te faire confiance
    Mais ma sagesse a été aveuglée par cet amour intense

    Sale et ingrat homme qui m'a trahie, quand regretteras-tu mensonges et excuses aussitôt ?
    Je ne te pardonnerai si facilement, et tant que tu seras en vie tu sentiras le fardeau
    Pleurant les larmes de ton corps, implorant incessamment que la douleur ne cesse
    Estime-toi heureux pour encore être en vie, et endure ta punition sans cesse


    Would it be... A heterosexual yandere? How rare here.
    A woman punishing the one who fell in love with her for cheating on her and accumulating lies and excuses, except that he didn't know she was watching all along.
    Music: very agressive, dubstep touches. Atmo by Massive, melodic atmo with Eplex 7, guitars by Electric Sunburst Deluxe, leads by Noire and screaming synths by Serum.
    This blog post was published automatically and prepared several days in advance. License ticket is only present in the zip download.

  • 『Fascinated』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX, iZotope Neutron Elements, iZotope Ozone 9 Elements
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 18
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 20
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-200807-01179
    LIN (full) : 「599 888 690」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-200807-001329
    Instrumental + sung version + catalog ticket
    Album : Punishment Humanity Deserves - TRACK 5/14

    Rating : Mature (first class) - M12
    Not recommended for people under... : 12
    Reason : censored yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 19.0 license. 


    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Just by looking at you I felt this strong emotion
    Screaming in the depths of my little heart filled with fascination

    You probably never heard of me
    But I feel I know everything about you
    I have found happiness I was seeking for
    I wouldn't ever leave you once again anymore...

    Just by looking at you I felt this strong emotion
    Screaming in the depths of my little heart filled with fascination

    I wanted to ensure this dream would become true
    That you would never abandon me
    That no one else would take you away
    I won't let anyone shatter my promise...

    Just by looking at you I felt this strong emotion
    Screaming in the depths of my little heart filled with fascination

    And French adaptation!

    Rien qu'en te regardant j'ai ressenti cette puissante émotion
    Hurlant au fond de mon petit cœur rempli de fascination

    Tu n'as probablement jamais entendu parler de moi
    Mais je pense savoir tout connaître de toi
    J'ai trouvé le bonheur que je recherchais
    Je ne te laisserai plus jamais seule désormais...

    Rien qu'en te regardant j'ai ressenti cette puissante émotion
    Hurlant au fond de mon petit cœur rempli de fascination

    Je voulais m'assurer que ce rêve devienne réalité
    Que tu n'aurais jamais l'idée de m'abandonner
    Que personne d'autre n'aie l'idée de t'emmener loin de moi
    Je ne laisserai personne briser ma promesse envers toi...

    Rien qu'en te regardant j'ai ressenti cette puissante émotion
    Hurlant au fond de mon petit cœur rempli de fascination


    Finished in a rush yesterday morning to test it so the computer test jumped off and turned into a mp3 player test... And all was valid! The problem after this was to upload the preview, which was denied to me during the time I was on vacation, so now I'm at home, I can do it! Happy birthday Meiji, you're still alive in my heart <3
    Story: a girl who went so fascinated with another woman she gets very obssessed with her and wants to do anything to keep her by her side.
    Music: pad by Vacuum, gated and arp pads by Hybrid, plucks by T-Force Alpha Plus.
    Also first music ever to have been rendered with the v18 of VEGAS Pro.

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