• 『Remains』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-161218-00434
    LIN (full) : 「598 486 545」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-161218-000550
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Tears of the Rose - TRACK 3/15

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : suicide references, confusing content
    Restricted on : piapro (not recommended)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    A little fragment falling into the darkness and I forget the past
    We could assemble again these memories together
    I always remembered about you and never forgave this cruelty
    When these tears will reach your face containing all my sadness

    I never reached the happiness and all these hopes have now collapsed
    I made a promise that I couldn't hold to protect you
    Even with these efforts, the future was being torn from our fates
    I wouldn't let you alone in this cold and empty darkness

    A little fragment falling into the darkness and I forget the past
    We could assemble again these memories together
    I always remembered about you and never forgave this cruelty
    When these tears will reach your face containing all my sadness

    The unbearable thoughts breaking my consciousness into countless pieces
    The wounds will never be healed and the painful torture will still continue
    I wanted to see just even a smile but it is too late to regret
    Maybe in another world I'll meet again this warmth...

    And French adaptation!

    Un petit fragment tombant dans les ténèbres et j'oublie tout du passé
    Ensemble, nous aurions pu ramasser ces souvenirs éparpillés
    Je me suis toujours souvenue de toi et je n'ai jamais oublié cette cruauté
    Quand ces larmes atteindront ton visage avec toute la tristesse qu'elles contenaient

    Je n'ai jamais atteint le bonheur et tous ces espoirs se sont maintenant effondrés
    Je n'ai pas pu la promesse que j'ai faite de pouvoir te protéger
    Malgré tous ces efforts, le futur nous était arraché de nos destins
    Je ne te laisserai pas seule dans ces ténèbres glacées et sans fin

    Un petit fragment tombant dans les ténèbres et j'oublie tout du passé
    Ensemble, nous aurions pu ramasser ces souvenirs éparpillés
    Je me suis toujours souvenue de toi et je n'ai jamais oublié cette cruauté
    Quand ces larmes atteindront ton visage avec toute la tristesse qu'elles contenaient

    Les pensées insupportables brisant ma conscience en d'innombrables fragments
    Les blessures ne seront jamais soignées et la pénible torture continuera éternellement
    Je voulais voir ne serait-ce qu'un sourire mais il est trop tard pour regretter
    Peut-être que dans un autre monde, cette douce chaleur, je la ressentirai...


    To be honest, I began working on the music few days ago and it got stopped several times, maybe because I was afraid to fail it.
    It's slower than usual (112BPM only) and I also had difficulties to finish it. I finally got a "correct" quality, but I'll try to do better with next songs, promised.
    Music : sequence pad and second pad by Toxic Biohazard, lead by Harmor, supersaw pluck by GMS.

  • 『Lara』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160820-00354
    LIN (full) : 「598 357 399」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160822-000466
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Cenders - TRACK 6/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    This strong love remaining hidden during a long time
    Someday I decided to reveal everything about this unknown truth
    Not noticing it first but progressively discovering and accepting it
    Even if these feelings and words would be impossible to believe

    I wanted to be close to you and share this such wanted happiness
    Just listening to this sweet silence then telling ourselves everything
    While his pointless soul was being erased from this world
    I'll never leave you alone with all these evil liars

    These threats collapsing one by one until being definitively forgotten
    These gazes empty of any thoughts and deserted of any life
    Blinded by a large deception without being able to know the truth
    We are the only persons who can perfectly know each other...

    I wanted to be close to you and share this such wanted happiness
    Just listening to this sweet silence then telling ourselves everything
    While his pointless soul was being erased from this world
    I'll never leave you alone with all these evil liars

    And French adaptation!

    Ce fort sentiment d'amour que je cachais en moi depuis longtemps
    Un jour j'ai décidé de tout révéler à propos de cette inconnue vérité
    Sans le remarquer au départ mais petit à petit je le découvrais et l'acceptais
    Même si ces sentiments et mots auraient été difficiles à croire cependant

    Je voulais juste être à tes côtés et échanger ce bonheur tant désiré
    En écoutant juste ce doux silence puis que nous dévoilions tout ce que nous avions sur le cœur
    Pendant que de ce monde, son âme inutile était effacée
    Je ne laisserai jamais seule avec tous ces menteurs

    Ces menaces qui s'effondrent une à une jusqu'à être définitivement oubliées
    Ces regards désertés de toute vie et vides de pensées
    Aveuglées par une grande tromperie sans être capable de discerner la vérité
    Nous sommes les seules personnes qui peuvent parfaitement l'une l'autre se connaître, pas vrai...

    Je voulais juste être à tes côtés et échanger ce bonheur tant désiré
    En écoutant juste ce doux silence puis que nous dévoilions tout ce que nous avions sur le cœur
    Pendant que de ce monde, son âme inutile était effacée
    Je ne laisserai jamais seule avec tous ces menteurs


    To be honest, for the lyrics, I hesitated to rate between "light" and "normal" yandere, but in the doubt... I rathered setting a higher rating.
    Music : almost exclusive TBio test, the real lead track being very very light. (For those who didn't understand : TBio = Toxic Biohazard)
    Story : this one doesn't happen in a very very bad way unlike many others, because... It's too huge to know "what is the problem". I explain. This wasn't very obvious in the lyrics, but the heroine offered everyone a gift of chocolates... To almost every classmates she knew, including her lover. However, only the lover had a normal box, all others having poisoned boxes.
    Maybe you could think it was very very bad luck? Not sure.
    "It's when it's very big that you don't see it."

  • 『Cassandra』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160819-00352
    LIN (full) : 「598 355 471」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160820-000464
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Cenders - TRACK 5/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : murder references
    Restricted on : piapro (not recommended)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    Cursed to desperate everyone and bring them to the edge of the destruction
    The tears and this heart screaming in the despair and the dark with any remaining strength
    I begged all these people but nobody trusted me
    Even by seeing the future I was only watching this world's demise

    Regardless these words full of wisdom they closed their eyes
    Not seeing the demise and the death approaching to them until the crucial instant
    They thought I was only telling lies to frighten everyone
    These hurtful threats against this already wounded heart

    Cursed to desperate everyone and bring them to the edge of the destruction
    The tears and this heart screaming in the despair and the dark with any remaining strength
    I begged all these people but nobody trusted me
    Even by seeing the future I was only watching this world's demise

    Everything was burning and I was still crying alone
    When he saw me, full of mercy then with a growing love
    While the pain was going through my heart, the consciousness was swept away
    Finally this painful life would end and I would be relieved...

    And French adaptation!

    Maudite pour désespérer tout le monde et les amener au bord de la destruction du monde
    Les larmes et ce cœur hurlant dans le désespoir et le noir avec la force qu'il me restait
    J'ai supplié tous ces gens mais personne ne me croyait
    Même en voyant le futur je ne pouvais que voir la fin de ce monde

    Malgré ces mots pleins de sagesse, leurs yeux se sont fermés
    Ne voyant pas la destruction et la mort approcher jusqu'au crucial instant
    Ils pensaient que je ne disais que des mensonges pour tous les effrayer
    Ces pénibles menaces contre ce cœur déjà blessé auparavant

    Maudite pour désespérer tout le monde et les amener au bord de la destruction du monde
    Les larmes et ce cœur hurlant dans le désespoir et le noir avec la force qu'il me restait
    J'ai supplié tous ces gens mais personne ne me croyait
    Même en voyant le futur je ne pouvais que voir la fin de ce monde

    Alors que je continuais de pleurer seule, tout était en train de brûler
    Quand il m'a vue, plein de pitié avec un amour grandissant
    Alors que la douleur traversait mon cœur, ma conscience avait été balayée
    Enfin cette vie pénible se finirait et je serai soulagée finalement...


    Music : Toxic Biohazard as a pad (with a very short pattern, that explains the repetitive parts), PoiZone as lead and Harmor as the little bright pluck.
    Story : about Cassandra in the Greek Mythology. She was condemned to not be trusted by everyone, even if what she said was true, because she denied the love of Apollo. Because of this curse, her town was destroyed. Then she was found by Agamemnon, who was then killed when he came back to his kingdom. Cassandra was then murdered, but dies without any regrets.

  • 『Wild Card』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160810-00341
    LIN (full) : 「598 345 633」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160811-000451
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Cenders - TRACK 4/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The hand on the heart since a long time that have been stolen from me
    Without any way to change this fate
    Always seen as a problem while this man was by your side
    These roles had to be inversed forever...

    Each person has their own fate in their hands, just a little card
    Then the people do their choices to choose the best destiny
    I couldn't let this happy fate to him without being invaded by pain
    If I was the person you loved, we would be finally happy

    The hand on the heart since a long time that have been stolen from me
    Without any way to change this fate
    Always seen as a problem while this man was by your side
    These roles had to be inversed forever...

    I was seeing him being happy while the rage invaded my thoughts
    However I didn't give up any hope and tried to change everything
    If I change the cards between him and I, what would happen?
    Will you finally accept my love confession?

    Looking at each fate and seeing finally this ace of hearts in my hands
    Now this man is the problem, his card became the symbol of the rival
    Then if he was so unwanted, I could still kill him
    The shadows will disappear and let this happiness brighten the future...

    And French adaptation!

    La main sur le cœur depuis longtemps m'a été volée
    Sans aucun moyen de changer cette destinée
    Je suis toujours vue comme un problème pendant que cet homme est à tes côtés
    Ces rôles devaient pour toujours être inversés...

    Chaque personne a son destin, juste une petite carte, entre ses propres mains
    Alors les gens pouvaient effectuer des choix pour choisir le meilleur destin
    Je ne pouvais lui laisser cet avenir heureux sans que la douleur n'envahisse mes pensées
    Si j'étais la personne que tu aimais, on serait heureuses à jamais

    La main sur le cœur depuis longtemps m'a été volée
    Sans aucun moyen de changer cette destinée
    Je suis toujours vue comme un problème pendant que cet homme est à tes côtés
    Ces rôles devaient pour toujours être inversés...

    Je le voyais heureux alors que la rage s'emparait de mes pensées
    Toutefois je n'ai pas perdu espoir et j'ai essayé de tout changer
    Nos cartes à lui et moi, que se passerait-il si je les changeais ?
    Accepteras-tu enfin ma confession d'amour si je le faisais ?

    Regardant chaque destin et voyant enfin l'as de cœur dans mes mains
    Cet homme est le problème, avec le symbole du rival sur sa carte maintenant
    S'il te paraît tant indésirable, le tuer ne me dérangerait en aucun point
    Les ombres disparaîtront et laisseront le bonheur envahir ce futur infiniment...


    For this song, if I took so many time to write the lyrics, it's because I needed some research.
    A little cartomancy info... In its good way, the ace of hearts indicates a happy relationship and love. In its bad way, the 3 of spades indicates the rival.
    And for vocabulary... A "wild card" is when someone changes cards... On and on. A few crazy card.
    Then I used these 2 cards significations to build up the song, and the signification of "wild card" in this case.
    Generally a stalker yandere who is in love with someone, but this someone being already with another person, the yandere has the 3 of spades and the rival the ace of hearts. Being an excellent manipulator though, the yandere heroine succeeded into inverting the roles and making her lover falling in love with her. Was the rival killed? Probably, the song doesn't tell us.

  • 『Turn Back』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    SFX : acapela
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160705-00300
    LIN (full) : 「598 306 252」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160706-000420
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Perish Songs - TRACK 6/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    First living in the happiness before becoming hellish nightmares
    I thought that forgetting the pain would heal the wounds
    Even through the created mistakes her feeling doesn't stop
    I was condemned to a fate which didn't correspond me

    I always decided to forgive each problem between us
    An useless decision and the wounds were worsening in the thoughts
    I changed everything in this life to take a fresh start
    Then I would find again the happiness I such desired

    First living in the happiness before becoming hellish nightmares
    I thought that forgetting the pain would heal the wounds
    Even through the created mistakes her feeling doesn't stop
    I was condemned to a fate which didn't correspond me

    Everytime she was there the pain threatened me again
    Still knowing her as nice, her gaze suddenly empty of any feeling
    I didn't know anymore what was happening or the reason
    While I was seeing with a horrible feeling the fresh blood flowing

    When I intended to escape she looked at me in the eyes
    It's too late to explain the situation and try to live a few more
    While my consciousness was disappearing and the blood flowing
    I noticed that we both have committed the last and most serious mistake...

    And French adaptation!

    Vivant d'abord dans le bonheur avant qu'il ne se transforme en cauchemars infernal
    J'ai pensé qu'oublier la douleur pourrait soigner les blessures causées par ce mal
    Même à travers les erreurs commises son sentiment ne s'arrête pas
    J'étais condamnée à un destin qui ne me correspondait pas

    J'ai toujours décidé de pardonner chaque problème entre nous
    Une décision inutile et les blessures empiraient dans mes pensées
    J'ai décidé de tout changer dans cette vie et de tout recommencer
    Alors je trouverais le bonheur que j'avais désiré plus que tout

    Vivant d'abord dans le bonheur avant qu'il ne se transforme en cauchemars infernal
    J'ai pensé qu'oublier la douleur pourrait soigner les blessures causées par ce mal
    Même à travers les erreurs commises son sentiment ne s'arrête pas
    J'étais condamnée à un destin qui ne me correspondait pas

    À chacune de ses présences la douleur m'avait de nouveau menacée
    Je la croyais toujours si gentille, son regard s'était vidé soudainement de tout sentiment
    Je ne savais plus pourquoi ni même ce qu'il se passait
    Pendant que je regardais le sang frais couler avec un horrible sentiment

    Lorsque j'ai tenté de m'échapper elle m'a directement regardée
    Il est trop tard pour tenter d'expliquer la situation et espérer vivre un peu plus longtemps
    Pendant que ma conscience disparaissait et que le sang s'écoulait
    J'ai remarqué que nous avions toutes deux commis la dernière et plus grave erreur depuis tout ce temps...


    This is officially the answer song to "Re;Turn". Same story, but from the victim's point of view, "Re;Turn" being from the killer's.
    Proof of answer song : the little English voices, there's the one from "Re;Turn" and another one specific to "Turn Back".
    I shall publish soon the English version of the full story for this song, but I have still one more to translate and I was mainly waiting for the airing of "Turn Back" to write the pages correctly.
    Musically, the trance pad is from Harmless with a trance gate, one preset from Harmor and one from T-Force. Still making some tests. To be honest, I even wanted to add a Slayer but it didn't sound very well, so I abandoned it for this song.

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