• Lamastu's Tears

    『Lamastu's Tears』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : Nectar Elements, Nectar 3 Plus, Neoverb, Ozone 9 Advanced, Neutron 4, Vocal Doubler
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 19, FL Studio 20
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 20
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-220619-01393
    LIN (full) : 「600 600 803」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-220619-001547
    Full archive
    Album : Ancestral Destiny - TRACK 13/23

    Rating : Explicit - E
    Not recommended for people under... : 16
    Reason : violence on vulnerable people
    Restricted on : Niconico (age restriction), YouTube (age restriction), bilibili (not recommended, age restriction), piapro (forbidden), Soundcloud (explicit warning)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 20.0 license. 

     PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Wandering alone while seeking for revenge
    Frustrated of not having someone to care about
    She just threw disease and despair over childhood
    Internally crying about her endless rage

    So many families that have been broken by her screams
    Like an animal infamously slaughtered
    Only the wind of her husband might stop her
    Drying the tears of a demon with no child

    Wandering alone while seeking for revenge
    Frustrated of not having someone to care about
    She just threw disease and despair over childhood
    Internally crying about her endless rage

    I don't want to witness this awful torture
    Just thinking about it makes me feel sick
    No one can pretend to be safe
    As long as darkness invades her thoughts

    If screams are heard, hiding is useless
    Fear becomes anger and tortures us
    No one has mercy for this childless monster
    But if she had a child, she would leave us

    And French adaptation!

    Se baladant seule en cherchant sa vengeance
    Frustrée de n'avoir personne dont elle pourrait prendre soin
    Elle a juste jeté la maladie et le désespoir sur l'enfance
    Pleurant intérieurement de sa rage sans fin

    Tant de familles qui ont été brisées par ses cris
    Tel un animal que l'on égorge infâmement
    Ce qui pourrait l'arrêter serait seulement le vent de son mari
    Séchant les larmes d'une démone sans enfant

    Se baladant seule en cherchant sa vengeance
    Frustrée de n'avoir personne dont elle pourrait prendre soin
    Elle a juste jeté la maladie et le désespoir sur l'enfance
    Pleurant intérieurement de sa rage sans fin

    Je ne veux témoigner de cette affreuse torture
    J'en ai mal au cœur rien que d'y penser
    Personne ne peut prétendre être dans un endroit sûr
    Tant que les ténèbres envahiront ses pensées

    Si les cris retentissent, il est inutile de se cacher
    La peur devient colère et nous torture
    Personne n'a de pitié pour ce monstre sans progéniture
    Mais si elle avait un enfant, elle pourrait nous lâcher


    Lamastu (or also Lamashtu) is a Mesopotamian demon married to Pazuzu. She is very feared because of the disease she gives to pregnant women and their babies. In order to stop her, the Mesopotamian summoned Pazuzu so he could with his wind sweep away the curse of his wife. Weirdly, the two never got a child, so maybe the reason Lamastu is so evil is probably because she was jealous of humans and their kids.
    I tried to censor a bit the lyrics (because you know I am with these topics), but the spirit is still here. We're a bit in the same case as "Anti-Birth" I'd say.
    Music: the music is actually sad. Pad, low piano, keys by Ashlight, chant by Mimi Page, leads by Ancient Greek Strings.

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