• Timeline of next events for December!

    Hello, Nynthixia there! And no, I'm not sleeping in my bed, it's one AM of the morning where I am.

    OK as you could notice it, this month of December will be very very heavy for me, lots of songs are projected. And also albums.

    I made on Twitter (my two accounts, the personal (protected) and the producer) a poll for the date of the CD4.5, between December 21st or 23rd. The 3 people from who I got the answers all told me to air it on 21st. So it's official : December 21st will be the air date of the album "End Sentence"!

    CD5 : I'll make a song with every regular singer (Hachi, Itako, Kiritan, Momo, Oniko, Sayu, Stella, Tei and Totoko [some of them are already aired]) and 4 songs of Lily. For the tracklist, I've got a stub but it's pretty unclear. There will be 17 tracks, the first one will be the last group song that I aired with my four main singers, the second, sixth, tenth and fourteenth tracks will be Lily's songs (such as "True Bad End", "Dangerous Game", "Splinters" and "Fatal Mistrust" which don't have officially an affiliated album, it won't last, don't worry) and other tracks... Songs with a regular singer. I don't know which ones. Maybe later? Air date : I hesitate with January 19th... If I have enough time.

    The special songs. December is a month full of birthdays/first air dates. 4th : Hachi ; 11th : Stella ; 22nd : Yukari (but this one won't be possible for the correct time) ; 25th : Oniko.

    So with all of this I decided to make a little timeline for the month.

    December 4th : "Beatrix" feat Hachi Makune
    December 9th : surprise! (but if you know me well you'll have an idea)
    December 11th : "Night of Winter" "SHALGINA" feat Stella Hoshine [name modified on Dec 7th]
    December 21st : air date of CD4.5 "End Sentence"
    December 25th : "White Dragon" feat Oniko Hinomoto
    December 25th or 26th : "Artemisia" feat Yukari Yuzuki

    At least all of this, then add the usual stuff (other songs...).

    For info, "Beatrix" and "Night of Winter" are yandere related stories, the second one is more subtle... And for "White Dragon", it's for all audiences.

    Other fun fact that I discovered on yesterday... Oh wait, on Thursday now, the rate of yandere songs in all the original compositions that I made. More than the half of the current 135 songs in the catalog are yandere songs (about 52%). It's pretty useless, but I didn't think that I worked so much on this theme...

    Well, have fun and sleep well. Don't do as I do, working all the evening to go to bed at almost 2 AM...
