• CD38 "Slippage"

    Hello, Nynthixia here

    Here it is, the (in)famous album?


    CD38 - 25 tracks (warning: explicit rated album)


    So here we go for the explanations for the tracks.


    03. Atone for Your Vices

    I just changed GUMI AI 6.0.0 to 6.1.0. To be honest, I didn't use any mode on her and that might be why she sounds like this. I feel like the AI trained by Yamaha is more for... Maybe traditional Japanese songs? It might be me to be honest but really... It makes me think I would better use GUMI AI and GUMI Native behind at the same time. As a kind of doubling vocal.



    02. Hostile Presence [YANDERE]

    A bit softer than track 1 but still... It's between the huge delusion and the truth. The rival is clearly not "clean", but the way the heroine sees him is still a bit exaggerated.

    06. Solstice and 07. Equinox

    I'll treat these ones together since they're sister songs. These are sisters waking up every 6 months. One takes the relay for 3 months, then the other one etc. They're regulating seasons. One is waking up during summer and winter, the other one during spring and autumn.

    08. I Finally Caught You [EXPLICIT] [YANDERE]

    OK that's the one being explicit. Your typical yandere hunting for someone, even if it includes taking pieces of this person... No other comment.

    11. Until Sanity Breaks

    Typically toxic relationship, to the point the heroine snaps at the end to free herself from her living nightmare.

    13. Consumed by Rage

    The title says it all I guess...? The hate of everything. Fed up with the whole world.

    15. Who's the Monster Now

    Someone who got treated as a monster, before the ones bullying her take a huge backlash. Like getting killed. Karma is a bitch you know well that right.

    17. Countless Times Already [YANDERE]

    OK the heroine is not the yandere herself. Instead, she is a person trying to help a yandere staying sane. Maybe we can get a good ending from this, for once...?

    18. To Your Dismay

    Someone proving the one who always berated her she was able to go way further than the other one thought. No matter it pleases them or not.

    21. Addicted to You [YANDERE]

    Actually close from a soft yandere, but it's someone being overly obsessed with someone. To the point any of her absences becomes a true pain.

    22. Wake Up What's Inside

    Dare betray someone, expect them to snap back at you. And to bite quite hard.

    25. Living Flame [LOVECRAFT SERIES]

    About Cthugha. And his servants. It was very hard to do to be honest... That's why I focused a bit more on the servants.



    Concerning production, I'm 4 tracks away from being done with CD39.5. Next week I should start production of CD40.

    Might be doing a release party on YT so... See you in few minutes?
