• CD37 "Exquisite Corpse"



    Hello, Nynthixia here... Sorry again for the delay, overslept and last evening was really harsh for me so... ><


    OK first, the info about album-only tracks.

    01. Behind Curtains of Envy (feat. VY1, HARUKA, SARAH) [CORRUPTION SERIES]

    First time I was using VOCALOID AI banks, and I think the AI engine has been tuned in a bit... Special way? Maybe for more traditional music.
    This one is clearly VY1 being overly jealous towards the two others for getting AIs before her, the little favorite of her creators until then.
    Ref Nynthilore posts: D2, D3, D4§49, D4§50, D5, D6

    02. Opposite-Colored (feat. Ichigawa Ami, Ichigawa Yumi) [CORRUPTION SERIES] [YANDERE]

    How two very already close twin sisters became possessive/obsessive towards each other.
    Ref Nynthilore posts: D2, D4§52, D4§53, D5, D6

    03. Forerunner Signs (feat. Mai) [CORRUPTION SERIES]

    It's seen mainly from Mai's point of view, but it's more of something she tells after the attack. Especially when you learn Saki had many chances of slipping already...
    Ref Nynthilore posts: D4§56, D6

    04. Somber Aura (feat. Minus) [CORRUPTION SERIES]

    Yeah there's a real rivalry problem between Minus and Xingchen... To the point the syndrome takes it way to another level. This was Minus's last attempt of trying saving Xingchen.
    Ref Nynthilore posts: D4§57, D6

    05. Illusory Beast (feat. Shian, Haiyi, Chiyu, Cangqiong) [CORRUPTION SERIES]

    Their infection story is so classy. Actually, the song is even a bit before the infection itself. It's more about the time they saw a giant dragon, tried fighting against it until they get told this was just a collective hallucination.
    Ref Nynthilore posts: D4§58-61, D6

    10. Where They All Die (feat. Lily)

    No matter what happens to you, you will finally find back everyone else at the same place... Once your life ends. Born from dust, back to dust as they say.

    12. The Grey Swan (feat. Xin Hua)

    Remember this little child that didn't look like any other, that everyone mocked...? Once they grow up no one else dares saying anything about them right?

    13. Looking for a Meaning (feat. Tohoku Kiritan AI)

    This song, I'll just resume it into two words: "existential crisis". That's it.

    16. Thanathophobia (feat. Hoshine Stella)

    Fear of death (I know there is a little orthograph mistake sorry but now it's registered like this...). From point of view of the death itself? Oh yes even stronger now.

    18. Fractured Between Thoughts (feat. Kisaragi Tsuina AI) [YANDERE]

    Someone getting ignored by the one she loves, she has so many thoughts that she even drowned herself in them. Including destructive ones.

    19. Prohibited Scriptures in the Brain (feat. kokone)

    When there are words no one should hear if they want to remain sane... It's very Lovecraftian horror in this one.

    22. Personality Mutation (feat. Chis-A)

    It's not canonical to any series, if it's quite close of the main lore one, but it's just about someone being afraid of seeing their personality change so much they would become dangerous to anyone. Also me still not managing to master Chis-A very well sorry ><

    24. To A Point of No Return (feat. #kzn)

    Should you try to abuse mentally someone, they will finally bite back. In which way? At the same level as your crimes's level permitted it.
    Aka you're dead.

    26. Already Faded Within (feat. Minus) [YANDERE]

    A woman feeling something shattered in her heart... Maybe it's her kindness? Worse, her sanity? Sure thing: to have the one she loves, she won't be playing nice anymore. She is nothing more than a broken soul.

    27. Bathsheba (feat. Mai) [YANDERE]

    To this person who always has been nice with her... You deserved her deep respect and her love. Even though it's on the edge of the obsession and that if anything would happen to you, she would kill the threat right away.

    29. Unveil Your Lies (feat. HARUKA, SARAH) [YANDERE]

    Two girls having a relationship with another person. But this person didn't tell the other one about it so... Since the two are equally insane, they will just seek revenge against the one who deceived them. Who said the rivals were always killing each other... When they have a common issue to solve?

    30. Exquisite Corpse (feat. Weina, Qing Su, Feng Yi)

    It's very simple. It doesn't have any topic! It's just like the exquisite corpse game. I did a bit like if each singer knew only about the last sentence of the previous verse and had to build something over it. So the story changes a lot in-between!




    1) Teto and Mell

    Mell and Teto are both pre-ordered. Teto very cheap too...
    The thing is that Teto was first thought about back in 2015 but due to her being overly robotic at the time I just didn't take her. Now this issue is resolved with SynthV, she is welcome to come!
    Even though you should know it's more a curse than a blessing

    Mell arrives on the 19th after 5 PM. Once I get back home.
    Teto arrives exactly a week after Mell, on the 26th, same hour. This day I'll fully be at home so.

    Teto's deadlines: April 1 and November 30. Mell's being April 20.

    2) Advancement on CD38.5

    I'll do Lily's deadlined song next to give you an idea. The work pace should accelerate in three weeks. Will depend of how much fatigue I'll have to catch back. Teto has been added to the album with 2 tracks, both private. The main lore series song and the "normal" song.

    3) Advancement on CDHS3

    Last track I'll be able to do for disc 1 (until HARU releases) for Sunday. Next week I attack disc 2! Again this is a major track for tomorrow so will try my very best on this one as well.
    Booklet side: 62 pages. That's huge. But typically, you have 28 tracks in total (16+12), and you have 2 pages per track. The first one gives all the info like on a blog post (+ a supplementary text for each track, not of the same type depending of the disc), the second one holds the lyrics. So that does 56 pages. The rest, it's the external covers, the credits, the tracklist introduction, the general introduction... And a surprise that I can't reveal because SPOILERS. Like MAJOR ONES.

    The clues on Twitter now. The first one I gave was about disc 2. If you noticed, there isn't any real date. That's because since it happens in an alternative timeline, it's quite difficult to put a real time on it (+ it would reveal some spoilers by itself actually). So it uses a system of "day+" instead. And if they're not in the chronogical order... It's normal too. You already have 3 tracks about this timeline at the end of disc 1 so... Since there are 12 tracks in disc 2... You have each story alternating every 3 songs. So consider tracks 1, 4, 7 and 10 together, 2, 5, 8, and 11 together and finally the tracks 3, 6, 9 and 12 together. You're still in chronogical order.
    Next were the two tweets from April 2. First one was mainly about how the alternative timeline is quite... You know how the main timeline is a bit horrible by itself right? The alternative one is WAY WORSE. The second tweet gave out the name that was given to the timeline. "Terminal insanity timeline". I won't give out too many info about why it's called like that, but you can use already existant nynthilore posts to guess a bit what happened. Of course you wouldn't have all info before getting the album.
    Good luck if ever you're brave enough to know what's in this timeline. Like really.

    So from now on if you hear me talking about the main timeline, it's the one that you have seen until now with all the songs. Terminal insanity timeline is an anomalous timeline where you should give up any hope, and is not considered as being canonical to the main one.

    4) Nynthilore posts

    There might be actually 2 posts minimum later, before the CDHS3 release. One that will come pretty soon and that will be essential to explain a part of the terminal insanity timeline, another one in few months but can't say much about it. Just, it will also give info about the other timeline.

    Typically, these are things that can't be explained in the bible (344 pages long for now so we'll def get over 350 or even 400) that will be given with CDHS3. Or at least not as you will get them.

    They will be in the E post series.




    And I think that's it. It already does a lot to process I guess.

    Next song with Celeste on Monday!

    Take care of yourselves don't do like me who sleeps 4h/week day
