• CD34 "Unresting Chaos"


    Hello, Nynthixia here

    Sorry if the blog post arrives a bit late. The album has been published at the right minute though, that's all that matters!

    I have lots of things to say, lots of explanations to give as well... So... I'll start with the songs in this album. I'll split each part per color.


    First there is one song that has undergone some remastering fixes, it's "Demon Huntress Showdown". I had forgotten to remaster the lead for some reason, this is fixed in the album version. This is barely noticeable, but if you're careful enough, the lead is a bit louder.

    The new songs now.

    A Glow from Gehenna (feat. Xin Hua)

    Gehenna is here a sort of Sheol, a place where lost souls are waiting for a final judgement. This is not a brightful place. Imagine a sub-hell. Someone stuck in Gehenna with diseased souls and rottening bodies.

    Prisoner Zero (feat. Xin Hua)

    Anybody here knowing "Doctor Who"? I was watching this a lot especially in my teenage years. It's inspired by the episode with the 11th Doctor introduction, and with the antagonist of the episode, Prisoner Zero, a sort of eel-shaped alien taking the form of anybody. Tracked down by the Atraxi, prisoner Zero managed to escape for a while by being hidden in a wall. And especially... Its ending message. Just watch the season. You won't regret it.

    Eclipse (feat. Hoshine Stella)

    It's pretty dumb said like that... But it's about eclipses. Nothing more to add.

    Cultists of Blood (feat. Lily)

    A bit in the same spirit as "Anomalous Temple". If you listened to the public demo for February 22nd then this song should get you some memories too. A bit of Lovecraftian horror as well in the lyrics...

    Carnation (feat. Tohoku Kiritan)

    A girl waiting for her lover to come back from a very, very long travel. After the hell of "Quarantine" thought it would be neat to give something lighter to Kiritan.

    Ethereal Disembodiment (feat. kokone)

    These mysterious out of body experiences... Astral travelling... Imagine a girl seeing herself... From the outside. And thinking now she reached spirit world she could reach her now deceased lover... But are they in the same plane?

    Dark Arts (feat. kokone)

    Yes yes it's well kokone, with a cool factor of -20... It sounds weird, uh? Typically, someone learnt about forbidden dark arts to get rid of humanity. Thought I'd give kokone a darker tone to her voice for such a song.

    Returning to the Depths (feat. Qing Su) [YANDERE]

    So here it is the first song with Qing Su! Even in the title, it's heavily inspired by "Return to the Sea" from Mermaid Melody anime. The song has lots of references to it. Even musically. Since the initial song was about a love story... For this one I turned it into full yandere then tragedy. A woman being in love with someone, stalking her so much the lover ends up committing suicide, making the yandere girl drown herself. So here you go, first song ever with Qing Su, first yandere song with Qing Su. You know what that means lore-wise.

    Anti-Stasis (feat. kokone, IA ROCKS)

    Gosh the two are singing well together... There is no real topic but someone just being tired of staying here by doing nothing. It can mean lots of things...

    Dream Witch (feat. kokone) [LOVECRAFT SERIES]

    About Yidhra. Yes, she is from the expanded mythos... But I really love her character. Yidhra is as old as the first micro-organism. Only her followers can see how she really is. Called the "Dream Witch", her favorite avatar is Madam Yi, a powerful Chinese matriarch. That explains the Chinese-sounding music. She can grant immortality to anyone following her, in exchange of being absorbed by her.

    King in Yellow (feat. Lily) [LOVECRAFT SERIES]

    About Hastur. A malevolent deity of air, half-brother and rival of Cthulhu, currently prisoner in a lake in space, leader of the Byakhees birds. I chose a very ethereal sound for this music. Very few lyrics as well. Very light.

    Crawling Chaos (feat. Xin Hua) [LOVECRAFT SERIES]

    Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, the Black Pharaoh... He has hundreds, thousands of forms... But unlike most of Lovecraftian cosmic horrors, he is free. He is the messenger between Azathoth and the humans. His purpose? Destroy humanity? No, more like making everyone crazy. Insanity. Egyptian-styled song with... A chaos at the end. It's Nyarlathotep after all, what did you expect?

    Father of Serpents (feat. Kisaragi Tsuina) [LOVECRAFT SERIES]

    About Yig. Unlike most of Lovecraftian deities... Yig isn't evil, unless you hurt snakes. In this case, prepare to be cursed, you and your family, until your death. He is very easy to appease though. Also the unexplainable drums in North America... Yup, that's for Yig. Hence the lots of drums in this one.


    Album advancement

    Currently doing CD34.5. For now the album is called "Stars Going Extinct" and has... 22 tracks. Only 9 left to go, including 2 blocked by Karin. The album will be released on June 11, 2022.


    Explanations of vocal libraries acquisitions

    I had to change plans due to economical reasons... And for the second case, for technical reasons. I'll explain the first one, that you might be already aware of if you are following Twitter and the nynthilore hashtag.

    If you didn't understand the B1 post and the tweet about "cryogenic room operation"... I had to buy on last Monday the standard voicebanks of Minus, Shian, Cangqiong, Chiyu and Haiyi via the Taobao buying agent. The reason? War is making euro losing value face to dollar, and the agent I'm using is using dollars... So I was going to pay for more expensive. Result: more than €640 of operation. Divide by 5 to obtain the price of a voicebank. That's more than Xingchen, yes.

    So they are activated on the computer, but their use is on hold. The fact I created the cryogenic room lore-wise is to retain the singers for who I'm not using their capabilities. Typically, imagine girls only speaking Chinese with a producer who does know Chinese way less than Japanese. Even if some other girls know Chinese (Tianyi, Xin Hua, Qing Su and Xingchen), no chances they would communicate well with the others.

    It will play a bit with my predictive abilities: will Quadimension really give the AI upgrades for free and will I just have a discount. If it's the latter then I lost. Otherwise, I might have saved some money. This is very risky but since the war changed everything... I had to make a decision before China gets potentially penalized as well if things would come to worsen.

    So legally I have their standard voicebanks. I'm just testing some private things with them, for example, I had to use a Chinese track for a private song... And even having fun with French words. Apparently, people recommended Chinese alphabet for French as well because we have some songs in common compared to Japanese. And indeed that's not too bad.

    Second acquisition, it has been done on the 10th, so last Thursday, and it's Rikka AI. I know what you might be thinking "you told us you'd acquire her with Karin"...

    Yes but.

    Firstly, war. Yen is more aligning itself over dollar than over euro, so I'm losing again. Secondly... If I didn't buy Rikka now, I wouldn't be blocked at 2 songs... But at 5! Reason? Rikka's songs have deadlines for May 15th and 16th. Momo's deadine is on the 22nd. Generally deadlined songs are always done one after each other. So Rikka's songs would have to be done before Momo's deadline. That was a bit complicated technically if I wanted to be over with the album production. So I decided to take Rikka now. No worries, in terms of lore, that will change very few things.



    Some recent upgrades and new products from Soundiron, Clavichord from Soniccouture (the cursed library with the link being broken at the third of the file for 2 days on NI servers!)... And that's it. Very few on this one for now.


    Vocals confirmation

    SEKAI: May 2022. Any future voice library for the musical isotopes series will be taken as well. If I follow the pattern, the 3 other vocals would be RIME, KOKO and HARU. These 3 as such are confirmed directly: whenever they'll get announced, you'll be sure they'll be in the team once they get out. Always download version, so either DLSite either Vector. It will depend of the coupons I'll have on DLSite and of its avaibility.
    Note: if taken by DLSite, the acquisition date will be the day before the official release, but after 5 PM (France time).

    Karin: April 2022 via DLSite very probably. AI VB only.

    ROSA: end 2022/beginning 2023. I intend to get her via crowdfunding since Hiroto-P wants to open it to overseas. I'm just waiting for the campaign to participate.

    Kizuna: waiting for further demos, so no confirmation yet. Might be interested if the quality is a bit better. If confirmed, will more seek for a physical release if it will exist, otherwise, Vector/DLSite options.

    Chifuyu: confirmed for the end of the year, they announced October, but I hope it won't be too tight...

    Chis-A: on testing grounds. If she remains free, she will be a permanent addition. I'm waiting for at least a very stable release before using her. Lore-wise, consider her as "not arrived yet" or as "tourist", but not as "permanent resident".


    Season change soon?

    I'm looking often at the Image-Line forums and... It seems the team would like to upgrade to FL Studio 21 this year. Expect a change of season during this year. Like the passing from season 3 to 4 or the 4 to 5, you might not notice big chances very quickly in terms of quality. Thinking that season 5 is probably the one that was undergone the most changes, including the AI engines, the migration of sounds towards massively Kontakt libraries...

    I'm keeping an eye on this, whenever we'll change seasons I'll tell you. There are high chances though that ROSA and Chifuyu will be added from season 6 and not 5. Not sure for the Quadimension vocals. As for Karin and SEKAI, high chances they'll still be season 5.



    And that's it. That took more than half a hour to write all of this.

    Enjoy the album, stay safe and be careful.
