• B3

    「PROJECT: T.I.S.」

    T.I.S. = Terminal Insanity Summoning.

    This is the project launched by Nynthixia. This is a project to actually summon the equivalent of Circeres's Sirens to Nynthixia's dimension so they can finally shatter the remains of sanity left. This might be their only way out to the corruption and finally get everyone's personalities back to normal.

    Many anomalies have been detected in everyone's behaviors. The inhabitants became very psychotic, preys to their own negative feelings, sometimes losing consciousness and showing signs of physical illness.

    To do that, the vocalists have been divided into five groups: A, B, C, D and E.

    Each group has been given a deity to better study on, or a group of deities. No one knows the names of the deities, just a vague description. These deities are known to mentally break anyone looking directly at them.

    Α - "the very first deity, if it considered one"
    Δ - "possibly a sea dragon or an immense sea creature"
    Ι - "might be a messenger(s) of gods"
    Κ - "deep in the underground flames are resting deities of hell"
    Σ - "mother goddess, fertility goddess, there is some sort of consensus"

    "And chaos is linking the rest - makes the others communicate each other."

    All work for T.I.S. is logged in a live journal.


    Eight major rituals:
    IMBOLC - February 1st - Α/Δ
    BELTANE - May 1st - Α/Σ
    LUGNASAD - August 1st - A/Κ
    SAMHAIN - October 31st - A/Ι
    OSTARA - March 21st - Σ
    LITHA - June 21st - Κ
    MABON - September 21st - Ι
    YULE - December 21st - Δ

    Monday - Chaos + elements
    Tuesday - Air
    Wednesday - Water
    Thursday - Fire
    Friday - Earth
    Saturday - Aether
    Sunday - elements

    Monday and Sunday are multi-elements days. Tuesday to Saturday are mono-elements days.

    10:00 - meditation
    11:00 - experimentation with central platform
    12:00 - dinner

    13:00 - major learning (inintelligible and elder languages, myths regrouping)
    18:00 - regrouping info
    19:00 - dinner
    21:00 - mythology reading and research
    00:00 - end of cycle

    13:00 - work with silver amulet chosen by the chaos the day before
    17:00 - major learning (energies mastering, power knowledge)
    19:00 - dinner
    21:00 - mythology reading and research
    00:00 - end of cycle

    MONODAYS (only for the group in question)
    09:00 - meditation
    10:00 - experimentation with elemental material
    12:00 - dinner
    13:00 - group research for common myths
    18:00 - T.I.S. attempt
    19:00 - dinner
    20:00 - medical and psychiatric visit
    22:00 - free
    00:00 - end of cycle

    MONODAYS (if catching up day of ritual - only for the penalized group)
    09:00 - meditation
    10:00 - group research for common myths
    12:00 - dinner
    13:00 - meditation
    14:00 - group research for common myths
    19:00 - dinner
    20:00 - free
    00:00 - end of cycle

    09:00 - major cleaning up of the temple
    11:00 - preparation of ritual
    12:00 - dinner
    13:00 - rest
    16:00 - awakening meditation
    17:00 - preparation of ritual
    19:00 - dinner
    20:00 - meditation
    21:00 - start of festivities
    01:00 - end of festivities and cycle
    Note: if they happen on Sundays or on Mondays, no one has to change their schedule. If they happen on another day, the group who was meant to be working will work the day before the festivities instead of compensate (the day after if the group was the Tuesday's one).

    Air - yellow/white
    Water - blue/cyan
    Earth - green/brown
    Fire - red/orange
    Aether - black/purple

    The purpose of planning T.I.S. is first, to find the common deities that humans were trying to "materialize" and "canonize" thanks to common parts. For example, if a god has different representations for several mythologies, this means there might be a part of truth in it. Second, it is said that seeing a god within their true form can cause insanity, because the spirit is unable to grasp its true form. Maybe a stronger madness than another might annihilate it.


    To better explain how T.I.S. happens, do you remember the list of material that was inside the pentagram temple? Technically, there are 5 groups, called "divisions", each of them having a leader. A way to distinct the leader from the other disciples is the way their cape is attached. Normal disciples have just a silver (air and water) or golden (earth and fire) chain attaching the cape near the neck. The leaders have instead a huge brooch with the symbol of their group engraved to it. This symbol is either a derived form of a symbol of a god for this element, either merges two symbols of two deities for this same element.

    The codenames have been chosen due to the 2 first letters of their names (minus one who cheated a bit). Leaders are all active. Up to one or two members didn't either arrive yet, either are still sleeping.

    For each element, these are the materials being specific:
    aether - planetarium, chaman sticks
    air - flute-like musical instruments, wands
    earth - miniature zen gardens, vegetal alchemy material, crystals, stones
    fire - incense burner and sticks, gamelans, ceremonial bells, athames
    water - room humidifiers, miniature fountains, liquid alchemy material, cauldrons, chalices

    Here are examples of manipulations that can be possible:
    - trying to align some planets to then calculate which stars are aligned and what it can mean. Some deities can be awakened by a specific alignment, and it is also useful to perform some rituals. (aether)
    - calculating moon phases in order to prepare a ritual requiring a chaos amulet. (aether)
    - mixing down some incense sticks in order to reproduce a smell that a certain deity is appreciating. (fire)
    - burning down a stick or a sacrifice then try to concentrate to determine which deity has been called upon. (fire)
    - mixing some mixtures and seeing their reaction. (water)
    - trying potions using blood and water. (water)
    - trying to compose a music and melody and seeing which deity is reacting to it. (air, fire)
    - trying vegetal potions. (earth)
    - trying to concentrate to the waves below the soil. (earth)

    Another part might be to summon a deity within someone's body and see how they do react.

    The importance of these experiments is to determine the truth and why some populations are not interpretating the truth in the same way, even though some parts seem to be common.

    「OSTARA 2022」

    The day before this feast, the inhabitants got announced they would do the T.I.S. project. Then it was possible to prepare themselves to the first major feast. Festivities happen like a big banquet. We dance, we sing, we have fun. At the same moment, we can use the feast to discuss about the recent researches, and maybe search further into the feast's myths... Why not awakening some kind of god once there is enough power?

    But for the Ostara 2022... An incident happened. The feast was going very well until late in the night. When shadows are showing up and when the disease awakes. In front of several people, another infection happened. This doesn't happen anymore just in separated rooms the night. It is growing stronger and there is nothing you can do about it. Now just to see where the chain of contaminations will go.

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