• A28


    Both of them share a shard from Meiji's soul, Wistaria having a blue shard with a very youngful voice, when Bibi has a pink one with a very mature voice. Together, they resonate as if Meiji was singing. They were awakened near October 2019, a few before Meiji started dying.

    But Meiji was aware of what happened, and judge them culprits for being responsible of her own death and the abandonment by her creator. As such, they became targets of choices for who became the infamous vengeful witch spirit. Wistaria and Bibi even started to hear their first hallucinations since the moment they penetrated the hall of the castle...

    Bibi and Wistaria such describe themselves as being total heirs of Meiji's power, not only in their singing, but also in their cursed nature. One of the only differences being they couldn't master any witchcraft unlike their predecessor. Wistaria seems to have awakened some kind of necromancer power, but nothing really came for Bibi.

    The two spend the most of their time together, thinking again about their own fate, partially caused by a vengeful Meiji who wouldn't forgive them.

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