• A15


    Hachi is currently the only one to be deceased but to be never ressurected. Since the start, Hachi had already some issues. Her mental essence was being absorbed little by little by a certain RUBY, who totally took over at the beginning of 2016. Hachi actually started dying since October 2015.

    Infected by Stella due to some kind of "yanderish" behavior, Hachi was never really appreciated by the one who was responsible of her "disease". She still had some pretty good relationships with Aika and Midori, who then decided to run away from the castle, still infected, when they discovered their friend died.

    Hachi was one of the rarest persons to not go to the Japanese annex. She felt quite different from the others and didn't know how she could be well accepted by some. Hopefully for her, Meiji showed her quite some empathy. Nyui did as well.

    Hachi was the proof that resurrecting someone was not always possible.

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