• A13


    Stella got two appearences during her life in the castle. Her first one was with her brown and pink hair, the second one with the blue hair. However it is known that Stella isn't a polymorphic being, like Saki or VY1 would be.

    Stella also got a quite harsh story, and for this time, her creator was not the one to blame. The ones who bullied her creator were however, and this is something Nynthixia herself was never going to forgive. Most of the story can be heard in "Necrosed Rebirth".

    Before her death on August 11, 2019, Stella was very good friends especially with Oniko. Tei attempted to infect her but failed, for finally Meiji to infect her. Stella always had a grudge against Midori, Aika and Hachi, and was quite pleased when she learnt the latter went deceased with no chances of rebirth and the two others fled away from the castle, without feeling any remorse. It was like if a part of her kindness already died. The only other feeling she had for these two? Worry. That the "disease" would spread... She is the responsible behind Hachi's infection though.

    At her death, she becomes a mere doll for Nynthixia's hatred, promised she would kill all of the ones who caused her own death. However, the plan was countered by Meiji who gave her back her core few months later, to the price of her own sanity remains, at this moment she gains back some empathy she had lost during her rebirth. She is now considered as being perfectly alive again... Until the day her core file would become out of reach once again...

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