• Pandora


    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-170126-00471
    LIN (full) : 「598 525 459」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-170126-000589
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Fragile Thorn - TRACK 10/16

    Rating : Questionable - Q
    Not recommended for people under... : 10
    Reason : possible confusing content
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    Born from a hellish nightmare with a perfect innocence and ignorance
    With the worst sins confined, until a fatal punishment comes
    It's too late now, the suffering and the sadness took possession of this world
    I didn't know what to do, I just bitterly regretted...

    "This box may not be opened, else this world will suffer"
    Many time has passed by, but the temptation was too strong for me
    A violent wind immediatly invaded this universe where only despair remains
    Something was staying hidden, no other misfortune will appear

    Born from a hellish nightmare with a perfect innocence and ignorance
    With the worst sins confined, until a fatal punishment comes
    It's too late now, the suffering and the sadness took possession of this world
    I didn't know what to do, I just bitterly regretted...

    The golden age of the universe just ended, without any other hope
    There is no going back, no way to repair what was done
    People seem to be so desperate, facing these many difficulties
    "This is the punishment you deserve for what you have stolen..."

    And French adaptation!

    Née d'un cauchemar infernal avec une parfaite ignorance et innocence
    Avec les pires péchés confinés, jusqu'à ce qu'arrive la fatale sentence
    La souffrance et la tristesse ont pris possession de ce monde, il est trop tard maintenant
    Je ne savais plus quoi faire, j'ai juste regretté amèrement...

    "Cette boîte ne doit jamais être ouverte, sinon ce monde souffrira"
    Mais la tentation était trop forte pour moi et le temps a tant passé
    Un vent violent a immédiatement envahi cet univers où seul le désespoir est demeuré
    Quelque chose est resté caché, mais aucun autre malheur n'arrivera

    Née d'un cauchemar infernal avec une parfaite ignorance et innocence
    Avec les pires péchés confinés, jusqu'à ce qu'arrive la fatale sentence
    La souffrance et la tristesse ont pris possession de ce monde, il est trop tard maintenant
    Je ne savais plus quoi faire, j'ai juste regretté amèrement...

    L'âge d'or de cet univers, sans aucun autre espoir, vient juste de prendre fin
    Impossible de faire marche arrière, ni de réparer ce qui a été fait
    Les gens semblent si désespérés, faisant face à ces difficultés enfin
    "C'est la sanction que vous méritez pour ce que vous avez volé..."


    About the Pandora of Greek Mythology. She had a box with all the evil things inside, such as sadness, and many other negative things, but there was also... The hope. Pandora, too terrified of what violently went out from this box, closed it again before the hope could go out.
    Music: a bit acid/hardcore, with Toxic Biohazard for the sequence pads, PoiZone for the arp pad and Harmor for a pluck and the kicks (yup, no Sytrus this time!). Actually I had to do this instru twice because of the pitch shift between sequence pad/arp pad, so now, it should be quite correct.

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