• Painful


    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160528-00246
    LIN (full) : 「598 258 781」 (IA version) ; 「598 269 685」 (Lily version)
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160529-000351 (IA ver) ; 12FR-NYN8937-160604-000372 (Lily ver)
    Instrumental + sung version (IA ver)
    Instrumental + sung version (Lily ver)
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Wish from the Evil - TRACK 11/16 (IA ver)

    Rating : Mature (first class) - M12
    Not recommended for people under... : 12
    Reason : confusing content, mild violence
    Restricted on : (none)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    Fated to live in a happy future as a normal girl
    The hopes were destroyed and the remaining happiness turned into rage
    Too much wounded because of this life, these thoughts of revenge intensified
    Someday the pain I'm suffering from will be erased forever...

    I still remember I was caring about others and seemed nice
    This kind myself still screaming but the words are always choked
    I didn't like myself, what you have done to me is unforgivable
    This torture is unbearable and maybe will bring you to hell

    Fated to live in a happy future as a normal girl
    The hopes were destroyed and the remaining happiness turned into rage
    Too much wounded because of this life, these thoughts of revenge intensified
    Someday the pain I'm suffering from will be erased forever...

    The feeling of rage in the veins is the only remaining thing for me
    It could be free of these orders and voices in the head
    Struggling against these evil minds always humiliating me at each second
    The pain I'm suffering from will bring you to hell

    I don't hope anymore a happy future as I did before
    My wrath and determination will decide about your fate
    Nobody recognizes the poor spirit screaming inside this awful body
    Can't you see this few of mercy behind the appearance?

    And French adaptation!

    Comme n'importe quelle fille, j'étais destinée à vivre un futur empli de joie
    Les espoirs ont été détruits et la rage a remplacé le peu de joie qu'il restait en moi
    Trop blessée à cause de cette vie, mes pensées de vengeance s'intensifiaient
    Un jour la douleur dont je souffrais sera effacée à jamais...

    Je me souviens encore quand j'étais si clémente et pleine d'amitié
    Cette gentille moi-même qui hurle encore mais dont les mots sont étouffés
    Je ne m'aimais pas, mais je ne vous pardonnerai pas ce que vous avez osé me faire
    Cette torture est insupportable et vous amènera peut-être en enfer

    Comme n'importe quelle fille, j'étais destinée à vivre un futur empli de joie
    Les espoirs ont été détruits et la rage a remplacé le peu de joie qu'il restait en moi
    Trop blessée à cause de cette vie, mes pensées de vengeance s'intensifiaient
    Un jour la douleur dont je souffrais sera effacée à jamais...

    Le sentiment de rage coulant dans mes veines est la seule chose qu'il me restait
    Il pourrait me libérer de ces ordres et voix qui se répètent dans ma tête inlassablement
    Me battant contre ces méchants esprits m'humiliant à chaque seconde qui s'écoulait
    La douleur dont je souffre vous emmènera en enfer certainement

    Je n'espère plus cet heureux futur comme j'en avais été capable
    Ma colère et ma détermination décideront à propos de vos destins
    Personne ne reconnaît le pauvre esprit hurlant dans ce corps abominable
    Ne voyez-vous pas le peu de pitié derrière cette vision, enfin ?


    So this is the 199th original song (already...).
    I think Japanese and English speaking people know very well the game that was my inspiration this time... Does "SkullGirls" remind you something? Do you remember the characters? And especially a young girl named Carol, also known as Painwheel? I feel very merciful for this girl...
    Before being turned into the monster she looks like now, Carol was a young girl, very caring to others until she got kidnapped and transformed to what she is now by a lab. After you can understand why she is so angry against Valentine and Brain Drain... Being ordered by very mean people, while the little Carol still remains there...
    When Carol comes back to her parents, they don't recognize her because of her monster appearance. Because they can't see anymore their daughter as the nice girl she was while she was totally human.
    This is a very sad story... And very touching. After, depending of the story you choose in the game, Carol can have a different fate (as the one she becomes a human again). But this one is really focused on Painwheel's story itself.
    Title : also a pun between "painful", because of the pain she sometimes feels, especially when she's struggling against the voices in her head, and her other name "Painwheel".
    Music : more techno based. That makes a very hard electronica track.

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