• Furious Hearts

    『Furious Hearts』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160828-00373
    LIN (full) : 「598 365 112」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160828-000485
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Cenders - TRACK 7/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 16.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    The flames inside their gazes surrounding us began to insanely grow
    While I was thinking to still struggle against their corrupted thoughts
    These blinded spirits facing to the rage protecting our love
    This war could be useless if you could understand

    I was always wondering where could be the cause of these troubles
    I thought many times without finding an answer to these questions
    I couldn't let them imposing their view of things
    These threats will never reach our feelings

    The flames inside their gazes surrounding us began to insanely grow
    While I was thinking to still struggle against their corrupted thoughts
    These blinded spirits facing to the rage protecting our love
    This war could be useless if you could understand

    I would like so much to be close to the truth and finally understand
    Still haunted by the doubt while I tried to find a way to fight
    But I didn't have the time to see the things happening around me
    During these moments of questioning, you weren't here anymore

    I could search for this mistake everywhere to repair it
    But I didn't see anything and everything is being drowned into the darkness
    Then I'll find them again and end their existence
    To build a new happiness and this destroyed future...

    And French adaptation!

    Les flammes dans leurs regards nous entourant grandissaient fortement
    Alors que je pensais à encore me battre contre leurs esprits corrompus
    Ces esprits aveuglés faisant face à la rage protégeant notre amour dément
    Cette guerre serait inutile si vous compreniez depuis le début

    Je me suis toujours demandée ce qui causerait ces soucis
    J'y ai pensé tant de fois sans trouver la moindre réponse à ces questions
    Je ne pouvais pas les laisser nous imposer cette vision
    Ces menaces n'atteindront jamais nos sentiments c'est promis

    Les flammes dans leurs regards nous entourant grandissaient fortement
    Alors que je pensais à encore me battre contre leurs esprits corrompus
    Ces esprits aveuglés faisant face à la rage protégeant notre amour dément
    Cette guerre serait inutile si vous compreniez depuis le début

    J'aimerais tellement finalement comprendre et être proche de la vérité
    Encore hantée par le doute pendant que j'essayais de trouver un moyen de me battre cependant
    Mais je n'avais pas eu le temps de voir ce qu'il s'est passé autour de moi pendant ce temps
    Alors que je me questionnais, tu n'étais déjà plus à mes côtés

    Je pourrais chercher cette erreur n'importe où pour la réparer
    Mais je n'avais rien vu et tout se noie dans l'obscurité
    Alors je les trouverai à nouveau et je mettrai fin à leurs vies
    Pour construire un nouveau bonheur et ce futur détruit...


    To be honest, when I first composed a test for this song, it was a 160BPM remix for Junko's theme (Touhou) but... The lead being too hard to build, I started from zero again with a 140BPM pop song.
    Music : only Toxic Biohazard for all the synths!
    Story : the heroine already has a girlfriend, but they are the targets of bullying and insults from other people. The heroine tries to understand them but can't, and while she was trying to get some help alone, she noticed that someone stole her girlfriend. She sees this as an insult and promises to kill everyone on her way, everyone who could "steal" her girlfriend. I know this yandere story is a few complicated to understand... And it is.

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