• Face to Face

    『Face to Face』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Sony Vegas Pro 13
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-160326-00174
    LIN (full) : 「598 180 197」 (Nyui ver) ; 「598 182 698」 (Lily ver)
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-160326-000276 (Nyui ver) ; 12FR-NYN8937-160329-000293 (Lily ver)
    Instrumental + sung version
    Download (Lily versions and Dual mix)
    Catalog ticket
    Album : LUNACIA - TRACK 1/13

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 15.5 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics





    Original English text

    Under the sunlight, where two shadows are standing and can be seen through the penumbra
    The gazes now full of hatred, but previously haunted by love and flight

    Maybe a regret could become true, but I had no choice
    The pain was unbearable and it needed to end now
    Why were fighting each other and mutually destroying these lives?
    Why not shorten these sufferings and tell publicly the truth?

    Then seeing behind the mirror's reflection the real personality of yours
    Hiding it is useless, your face can be read as a open book
    Desires of ending these rotten lives and finally end the horror
    The soul hurts so much, as it should break down at any moment...

    If none of this would never happened, another solution would be possible
    The dust swept away by the winds in a strong storm of rage
    Those last seconds will be counted as long the consciousness is still present
    With this decision, wouldn't it be better for everyone?

    And French adaptation!

    Sous la lumière du soleil, à travers la pénombre, deux ombres se tenant
    Les regards remplis de haine, mais que l'amour et la fuite avaient rempli auparavant

    Peut-être un regret qui se réaliserait, mais je n'ai pas eu le choix cependant
    La douleur était insupportable et il fallait y mettre fin
    Pourquoi nous combattions-nous et détruisions nos vies mutuellement ?
    Pourquoi ne pas dire la vérité en face et que ces souffrances prennent fin ?

    Puis voyant derrière le reflet du miroir ton véritable comportement
    La cacher est inutile, je lis ton visage comme un livre ouvert
    Les désirs de mettre fin à ces vies pourries et mettre fin à l'horreur sont clairs
    Mon âme me fait tellement mal, elle se briserait à n'importe quel moment...

    Si rien de ceci n'était arrivé, une autre solution aurait pu exister
    Dans une forte tempête de rage, de la poussière balayée
    Ces dernières secondes seront comptées tant que notre conscience est encore présente en nous
    Avec cette décision, ne serait-ce pas mieux pour tous ?


    Happy birthday Nyui!
    (A version featuring Lily also exists on Tmbox. There's a few less energy in her voice but she greatly performs it as well.)
    To be honest, this is rewriting of lyrics that were written on June 2014. In their first status, I couldn't use them directly (because very badly written!), so I wrote again the lyrics with the system I currently use.
    However lyrics aren't so that clear so I'll explain the full theme of this song.
    In "Face to Face" the heroine faces to her lover who keeps rejecting her. They hurt themselves, because of their respective behaviors (the heroine by the rejections of her lover ; the lover because of the stalking attitude of the heroine). They finally decide to meet themselves and to try to resolve the problem. But it doesn't happen as they expected, revealing to be both at the edge of the madness and at the end, they get both killed.
    Rendering of Nyui vivid by felichan, many thanks to her. I rendered the capella for Lily's version.

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