• Elvira


    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-170502-00525
    LIN (full) : 「598 631 309」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-170505-000649
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Running and Ailing - TRACK 15/16

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics






    Original English text

    I will break the despair and shatter the illusion standing in front of me
    Behind your shadows, I'm slowly walking towards a happy future
    These white hands being held towards you, are still waiting
    Why still pretending to love a person that you imagined yourself?

    A deep pain aching in the chest, the only thing that he could feel
    The consciousness began to fade, leaving everything behind without having the time to remember
    You always thought it was an illusion, but this red dream became the reality
    We were the only women to still feel the wind of the life after a hellish nightmare

    I will break the despair and shatter the illusion standing in front of me
    Behind your shadows, I'm slowly walking towards a happy future
    These white hands being held towards you, are still waiting
    Why still pretending to love a person that you imagined yourself?

    Your thoughts were wandering, without knowing where to go anymore
    Disconnected from the reality, just seeing him and not me
    This vengeful spirit was haunting you, hurting both of us
    Until seeing the blood flowing, until hearing the painful screams out of the mouth

    I collapsed, seeing the ground being destroyed in an intense despair
    Fresh blood was pouring from you, your spirit already faded away
    Already joining a world that I never knew until this last moments
    The only promise that can be done is that we'll be united again...

    And French adaptation!

    Je briserai le désespoir et détruirai l'illusion devant moi
    Derrière vos ombres, je marche doucement vers un futur empli de gaieté
    Ces mains blanches t'attendent, tendues vers toi
    Pourquoi continuer de prétendre d'aimer une personne que tu t'es imaginée ?

    Une forte douleur dans la poitrine, c'est la seule chose qu'il a ressentie
    Sa conscience a commencé à faner, laissant tout derrière sans se rappeler
    Tu as toujours pensé que ce n'était qu'une illusion, mais ce rêve pourpre est réalité
    Nous étions les seules femmes à sentir le vent après ce cauchemar de la vie

    Je briserai le désespoir et détruirai l'illusion devant moi
    Derrière vos ombres, je marche doucement vers un futur empli de gaieté
    Ces mains blanches t'attendent, tendues vers toi
    Pourquoi continuer de prétendre d'aimer une personne que tu t'es imaginée ?

    Tes pensées se baladent, sans plus savoir où aller
    Déconnectée de la réalité, le voyant lui et pas moi
    Cet esprit vengeur te hantait, pour toutes deux nous blesser
    Jusqu'à voir le sang couler, jusqu'à entendre les cris pénibles venant de toi

    Je me suis effondrée, voyant le sol que l'intense désespoir avait détruit
    Le sang frais coulait de ton corps, ton esprit s'était déjà évanoui
    Rejoignant déjà un monde que je n'aurais jamais connu jusqu'à ces derniers moments
    La seule promesse que je peux te faire est que nous serons de nouveau unies éternellement...


    Sister song of "Ines", point of view from the stalker.
    Since this is the first song, I'll resume the whole story here for both stories.
    Story: Elvira fell in love with Ines and continued to follow her, until she discovered that Ines was dating a young man. She then killed him in front of the eyes of Ines, who felt totally powerless. Since then, Ines continues to see and to hear her lover's voice and ignores Elvira, disconnected from the reality and beginning to have illusions. One day, Ines finally suicides in her madness and Elvira then does the same in despair.
    Music: Here, 100% Toxic Biohazard for all the synths, sequence pads... All! For a quality... Between normal and very good. (Don't wonder I'm so severe with myself)
    And finally... Happy birthday MAYU!!! <3

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