• Black Days

    『Black Days』

    Music, lyrics : NynthixiaP
    Rearrangement : iZotope Nectar Elements, ExpressFX
    Tracks mixing : Vegas Pro 14
    Synthesizer : FL Studio 12
    LIC (instru) : 12FR-170312-00496
    LIN (full) : 「598 572 036」
    IMIC (full) : 12FR-NYN8937-170312-000615
    Instrumental + sung version
    Catalog ticket
    Album : Night Angels - TRACK 7/18

    Rating : Mature (second class) - M14
    Not recommended for people under... : 14
    Reason : yandere content
    Restricted on : piapro (forbidden)

    This file is registered under Specific Copyleft Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 17.0 license. 

    PlayDB entry

    Japanese lyrics







    Original English text

    Abandoned in the darkness, drowned by the tears, not motivated anymore to do anything
    Turning the back to the life and the future, this spirit feeling empty of any thoughts
    Everything tasted so bitter, the pain and the sorrow had to end
    Saying goodbye to a cruel world without regretting anything

    Just seeing them together was making me sick, until feeling the heart derail
    This happiness was hurting so much, I wanted them to disappear
    I didn't even have the time to cry, I was barely seeing the reality in the distortion
    Between the lies and the deceptions, I already saw too much things to survive

    Abandoned in the darkness, drowned by the tears, not motivated anymore to do anything
    Turning the back to the life and the future, this spirit feeling empty of any thoughts
    Everything tasted so bitter, the pain and the sorrow had to end
    Saying goodbye to a cruel world without regretting anything

    I was just feeling this deep despair in a torture that never ended
    Nothing could calm the pain down, the situation was tiring me out
    Even the fresh blood flowing from this rotten body doesn't heal anything
    The consequences won't matter, if this world vanishes in the darkness

    This life was unbearable, searching for something to forget everything
    These memories being burnt down and turned into ashes, with each fragment of existence
    At this moment I laughed without any reason, even if I wasn't relieved
    This situation is so pathetic, full of pity, becoming ridiculous

    I wanted this torture to end now, but the bonds are already destroyed
    You were running away from me, until the blood also flows on the ground
    Then why did you force myself to break the remains of my own life?
    If he never stole you from me, everything would still be fine

    And French adaptation!

    Abandonnée dans les ténèbres, noyée par les larmes, ne pouvant faire quoi que ce soit
    Tournant le dos à la vie et l'avenir, l'esprit vidé de toute pensée
    Tout avait un goût si amer, la douleur et le chagrin devaient s'arrêter
    Dire adieu à un monde cruel sans regretter quoi que ce soit

    Les voir ensemble me rendait malade, jusqu'à ce cœur aille dérailler
    Ce bonheur me faisait trop mal, je voulais les voir disparaître à jamais
    Je n'ai même pas eu le temps de pleurer, je voyais à peine dans la distorsion la réalité
    Entre mensonges et tromperies, j'avais déjà trop vu pour continuer d'exister

    Abandonnée dans les ténèbres, noyée par les larmes, ne pouvant faire quoi que ce soit
    Tournant le dos à la vie et l'avenir, l'esprit vidé de toute pensée
    Tout avait un goût si amer, la douleur et le chagrin devaient s'arrêter
    Dire adieu à un monde cruel sans regretter quoi que ce soit

    Je ressentais un intense désespoir dans une torture qui n'a jamais réellement pris fin
    Rien ne calmait ma douleur, la situation continuait de me fatiguer
    Même le sang frais coulant de ce corps pourri ne pouvait rien soigner
    Peu importe les conséquences, si ce monde s'évanouit enfin

    Cette vie était insupportable, je cherchais quelque chose pour tout oublier
    Ces souvenirs étant brûlés en cendres, avec chaque morceau de vie
    À ce moment j'ai ri sans raison, même si je ne me sentais pas soulagée
    Cette situation est si pathétique, ridicule, pleine de sympathie

    Je voulais que la torture prenne fin, mais les liens avaient déjà été détruits
    Tu t'es mise à me fuir, jusqu'à ce que le sang se soit écoulé
    Alors pourquoi m'as-tu forcée à briser ce qu'il restait de ma propre vie ?
    S'il ne t'avait jamais emmenée loin de moi, tout aurait pu encore aller


    And still, I censored a few the lyrics... So I let you imagine the situation.
    Also, if I had to write a full story of this song, the age limit would be certainly higher.
    This is (maybe?) the most extreme case that can happen.
    Initially, Tei would be the one singing this, then I wrote the lyrics and... I thought it was too mature for her, so I switched "Re;Boot" and "Black Days" placeholders, so Tei could sing the first one and Lily the second one. Even if it's yandere.
    Music: all the synths were made by using Toxic Biohazard presets. And to be honest, I had many difficulties to compose it, between the settings that made the patterns sounding "off-timed"... And there is also a cho track, not only a main track for the capella.

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